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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Who gets the girl`s

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
djbungle Through there DJing, which of any of you lot.
Have got lots of girl`s to have sex with?
how many in a night?
I get them EVERY week without fail.
Do you?

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's
DJ STYLUS So ur a pro-DJ r u???? How did u make ur brake???

Oh look at me, i'm making people happy. I'm the magical man from lolly pop island......
....By the way I was being sarcastic!!
Brian K likes it's that hard =P thankfully i have a devoted gf, i dont' need raver hoes anymore =P

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."
DJ STYLUS Shit i wanna b a propa fkn DJ so i can get raver hoes!!!! But where do i start???? Im good at Djin but where do i take it from here??

Oh look at me, i'm making people happy. I'm the magical man from lolly pop island......
....By the way I was being sarcastic!!
DJ Mouse get yourself heard. put a mix on the net or send out loads of tapes

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
DJ STYLUS Issue tapes to who??? Every1 h8s my happymusik!!

Oh look at me, i'm making people happy. I'm the magical man from lolly pop island......
....By the way I was being sarcastic!!
Pandora disrespect because to each his oun but at the rate you are going you should have the AIDS virus soon if not already. Maybe you should slow down and take advantage of the gift God gave you....Your Hand!!!! And why was this question geared out to all the guys. Ever thought that a girl could notch up her bed-post too. Just a thought!!! Mental Note: Don't try to play the'll get played!

"Carefull,.....she start raving mad!"


!!True, True!!

Oh look at me, i'm making people happy. I'm the magical man from lolly pop island......
....By the way I was being sarcastic!!
DJ Mouse
Originally posted by Northants_DnB:
Issue tapes to who??? Every1 h8s my happymusik!!

Oh look at me, i'm making people happy. I'm the magical man from lolly pop island......
....By the way I was being sarcastic!!

to whoever wants them. or you can put a mix up on the net at

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
DJ STYLUS Im gonna post a mix on the net...I think at least i will know if I am good or not, by ppl telling me!! =)

Oh look at me, i'm making people happy. I'm the magical man from lolly pop island......
....By the way I was being sarcastic!!
DJ Mouse it's the best way - go for it...

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
virus you people are whores :P

djbungle I had sex with 2 bi-sexual girls today i was fantastic.
I urge you all to try,
Cos you are only young once
so get while you can
and if you catch anything(aids)
well you dont live forever
I would rather have a short and happy life than
long and boring
would you?????

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's
Weird Fish ....the short and happy...and long and boring, don't think so....I would rather have a long and happy life!!!
Just when you think there's only two choices to then realise there's more choices...and better ones too

I like the Bass to go BOOM!!!

First of all, we have kids who look at this stuff, you shouldn't corrupt them by telling them if you're a pro dj, you get sex. Also, don't encourage it, it just shows you live an unhealthy, immoral life.

Charco well said!!!!

freedom to all who believe!!
pacman hahahaha you're the biggest loser.

i get the feeling this is someone "taking the piss" so to speak.

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
Oli G hahahaha

i feel this is the most UNTRUE aspect of Djing
everyone says "ahh your only init for the women"

A) thats untrue.. for me anyway
B) it never happens.. they come up.. ask for a tune.. dance.. then **** off at the end of the night with there.. or another bloke..

i seem to have noticed 99% of raverbirds only come to raves with there blokes..

oh well heh

Garage Is where You Keep Your ****in Car
House Is where You Live
Hardcore Is HOW You Live

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
Webber *looks around* *squints* women ? *long period of silence* *tumbleweed rolls past* *frowns*

o<|;0D Wèbber¬
Originally posted by djbungle:
Through there DJing, which of any of you lot.
Have got lots of girl`s to have sex with?
how many in a night?
I get them EVERY week without fail.
Do you?

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's

lol funnily enough i do tend 2 pull!!! but unfortunately i do turn them down there is nothin worse than a sweaty munter gurning in ur face half the nite!!!!!

If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
Originally posted by djbungle:
I had sex with 2 bi-sexual girls today i was fantastic.
I urge you all to try,
Cos you are only young once
so get while you can
and if you catch anything(aids)
well you dont live forever
I would rather have a short and happy life than
long and boring
would you?????

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's

sorry just read that one!!!
really people like u really piss me off just as well i dont believe a word ov it!!!

If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
Simon This whole topic has a funny smell to it......sniff......sniff......snif hmmm smells like ********.

Love Monkey I think DJ mouse puts it best....

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

In the words of Ali G: "Give a man a compilation tape and he'll dance for a night. Teach a man to scratch, and he'll be dancing for generations!"
DJ Mouse LMAO!! makes sense tho doesn't it ;)

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse

Oh look at me, i'm making people happy. I'm the magical man from lolly pop island......
....By the way I was being sarcastic!!
Brian K correction, if it's not scottish, it's crrrrrap =P

but i thought all djs got women, especially djs like bad boy bill, paul oakenfield, & keoki err well i guess he gets little boys =P

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."
djbungle I have four girl`s in my house now
they are all nice
and im am gonna shag them all
before i go of to work tonight


It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's
Pandora You don't have to lie to make friends!!!!

"Carefull,.....she start raving mad!"
DJ STYLUS bungle....why r u talkin complete shit 4??? No offence, its obviously crap!!

Oh look at me, i'm making people happy. I'm the magical man from lolly pop island......
....By the way I was being sarcastic!!
DJ STYLUS Also if u got 4 nice girls in ya house wot r u doin on

Oh look at me, i'm making people happy. I'm the magical man from lolly pop island......
....By the way I was being sarcastic!!
Pandora djbunghole...I mean bungle....(sorry I had to do it)....Poor guy it must suck to be a virgin and have to lie to all your friends about it.

"Carefull,.....she start raving mad!"
DJ STYLUS HAAHAAA Now we r getting somewhere.....Sorry bungle but u suck!!! =D No offence!!!

Keep on trying. . . .
DJ CURLY this is classic a little geeky virgin goes on the internet and pretends to be a sex god.
u suck at least i gotta girlfriend.
and im only on here cus shes at uni.
she does late classes

20 years ago they called it disco.
20 years later now its hardcore techno.
where will we be 20 years from now.
this is
were showing you how.
DJ STYLUS He is wot we know in latin as a 'Dorkus Malorkus'

Keep on trying. . . .
Brian K or if you were playing toe jam & earl i believe that would be dorkus maximus =P

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."
DJ STYLUS Oh yeah toe jam and earl woz fkin sweet!!!!! I remember that...woz that the one with the rocket skates and super hi-tops!!!!! Quality Game!!! I wash i was little agen!!!! Oh well!!!!!

Keep on trying. . . .
milo heh, who are you trying to impress again? *pulls out the giant L stamp and smacks bungle with it on the forehead* ;-)

"It's all good..."
Pandora Again? So then he does this often? Poor Fella! Hey we all can't be the brightest crayon in the box!!!

"Carefull,.....she start raving mad!"
DJ STYLUS Yeah but he is the brightest crayon in the box...He is standing out...for all the wrong reasons!!!!!!! Its so sad wen u got peeps like that!!!! But hey it culd b worse!!! Actually no it couldnt!

Do you wanna, Are you gonna, Do You wanna go MY WAY!!!!!
evangelion whores are cool.....

to throw shreddies at

DJ-SK8 I prefer not to go for the DJ Whore, cuz it sometimes means that thev run out of ordanary ravers to sleep with=/

My god how long have those mice been living your back fat?!?!?!
virus hahahah whores love shreddies, esp when thrown at them from cars.

they also love when you yell "HHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" at them!

Simon Right good Idea I'm now off to release some shreddies at whores and call them hhhhoooooooo in there face!!!!



im not saying i dont like whores i do but music gives me a better ecstacy

im a raver not a crazy drug addict!
Soren "To each his own"

But if you wanna know where the PLUR in the scene went look at what people are saying here....

Brian K
Originally posted by mc trev:

damn, i guess i've been in it for the wrong reasons all these years =P
think you can get you're point across better by shouting? =P

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."
im not saying i dont like whores i do

you LIKE whores?!

ewww.. they are dirty and gross, and riddled with disease.

ewww.. they are dirty and gross, and riddled with disease.

You forgot to add..."so I've heard"

"Carefull,.....she start raving mad!"
milo ok.. maybe this is a dumb question.. but what is a "shreddie"?

"It's all good..."
DJ STYLUS Youre ansa mayb this is just a dumb topic?? =D

Do you wanna, Are you gonna, Do You wanna go MY WAY!!!!!
djbungle If you lot think im sad, F*** YOU
I get girls NOT whores who like me,(and i f*** them)
it`s all true DAMN TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS shreddies are a cereal brand in europe i think.

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's
mc trev and especialy nice with lots of suger and milk on.

im a raver not a crazy drug addict!
Weird Fish You just described the word whores and just admitted you f*ck whores....still no one believes you anyway!!!

I like the Bass to go BOOM!!!
DJ STYLUS Hey bungle everyone wouldnt think u were such a fanny if u didnt act like one!!

Pardon my driving. I'm reloading. . .

. . .Chaos, panic and disorder -- my work here is done.
If you lot think im sad, F*** YOU
I get girls NOT whores who like me,(and i f*** them)
it`s all true DAMN TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a brat, I am a brat, I am I am I am......You sound like a two year old bung-hole, I mean bungle...there I go again.

"Carefull,.....she start raving mad!"
DJ STYLUS Why does everyone hate bungle for I bet deep down he is a sad freakshow......

.......Then agen I mayb wrong agen!!!

"Carefull,.....she start raving mad!"

Now u've gone and done it bung-hole....Shes PISSED!!!!

Pardon my driving. I'm reloading. . .

. . .Chaos, panic and disorder -- my work here is done.
Weird Fish

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's you work for Green-peace???

I like the Bass to go BOOM!!!
DJ STYLUS If its voluntary work than yes...No one sane would employ that shit-head for money!!

Pardon my driving. I'm reloading. . .

. . .Chaos, panic and disorder -- my work here is done.
djbungle you still dont beleave me?
check there pics and profiles

and stop slagging me off,
if you do not beleave me stop reading this topic then.

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's
Brian K ummm ok, and just what am i supposed to see on the site? i see a pic of a bunch of people, another pick of some guy hoping around. a couple stolen jpgs and something about weed =P

no where in there do you have prove of shagging anything, let alone a female =P

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."
Originally posted by djbungle:
Through there DJing, which of any of you lot.
Have got lots of girl`s to have sex with?
how many in a night?
I get them EVERY week without fail.
Do you?

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's

Hahahahahahaha... this is the funniest post I have ever seen!!
How could you pull even one girl with that DJ name mate.. lmfao!!!

j/k m8 :)

Forward to the New School.
MC RizlaDizla heheehe i mc just to tast the muff. simple.

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc."
DJ STYLUS HA HA U checked the members page out on that web site!!! =D I woz pissin me-self just reading it!!!

Pardon my driving. I'm reloading. . .

. . .Chaos, panic and disorder -- my work here is done.
Dragalian Whoa, I guess dj bung-hole is gettin' some, check his homepage... wait... I thought Snoopy (or whatever he's doing) was a male dog?!?

Pandora Well...I visited both of his sites, just to see if I could give him the benifit of the doubt....and I saw no evidence of his so called shagging, nor of smoking marijuana, other than a few childish bios on some kids trying to be cool. Just for the record....I was trying to give bung-hole, I mean bungle, the benifit of the doubt. And as for this comment from bungle ---"and stop slagging me off,
if you do not beleave me stop reading this topic then."--- I'm sure that most would agree that we are all returning to this topic becuase it is no longer actually yours. We have taken it over. A Bungle Mental Note: Open mouth, insert foot.

"Carefull,.....she start raving mad!"
DJ STYLUS Once agen pandora......Couldnt have put it any betta myself..... =D

Pardon my driving. I'm reloading. . .

. . .Chaos, panic and disorder -- my work here is done.
Simon Do you think he's had enough yet? I mean what kind of a response are you gonna get if you post something like he did!!!!!

milo hehehe... this is too funny =) we keep coming back cuz it's just plain amusing. plus you keep trying to look cool, which isn't working ;)

"It's all good..."
DJ STYLUS HEHE I think his learned his lesson!!!! Dont ******** ova stupid stuff!!!!! Now can this topic be ended??? Although its funny! =D

Please stay forevery young
Midway_raver LOL ... please don't let this post end i think its hilarious :D neway gotta go ive got ulrika and 2 bi sexual swedish blondes in my bed who need attending too ;o) . I just hope one day i can be the stud that djbungle is =P

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting
DJ STYLUS Although im posting a topic in this forum right now I got all of the page 3 ladies in my bed now!!!!! Hmmmm I definantly smell something!!!!!

Please stay forevery young
pacman you mean you slept with all those badly faked nude celebrities on the porn page???? hahahahaha

i am still convinced that this is a regular happyhardcore member logged on as someone else as a joke. anyone agree???

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
silver If you are a DJ in order to pickup then you are NOT a DJ, and you should quit because you are pathetic.

you, me and hardcore forever.
Charco well said lol,
truer words never spoken....

freedom to all who believe!!
Weird Fish Yeah...he's a pathetic excuse for a dj!

I like the Bass to go BOOM!!!
DJ Mouse i dj coz i love the music and everyone else should love the music too

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
djbungle ANY MORE ABUSE??????

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's
DJ STYLUS Nah theres no need to shed a loada abuse any more......Nxt time though think b4 u post =D Sorry about all that ok????

Please stay forever young
milo heh... this is why people shouldn't do drugs =P

"It's all good..."
DJ STYLUS Agreed... Drugs fuk u up totally...take this post 4 example...

Please stay forever young
Weird Fish He wasn't f*cked up by drugs...he f*cked himself by being an ass!!!

I like the Bass to go BOOM!!!
Voltage DJ Bungle.. could I seriously buy your DJ name off you please?

Forward to the New School.
djbungle Why do you like it,or is it another person taking the piss?????

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's
djbungle Ive showed my m8s ythis topic they where pissin them selves

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's
virus ^^ so wait, you like group orgies with girls, and watersports with guys?

thats insane!

Pandora I have to say this has been my favorite topic. Bungle you have done well with being at the shit end of the stick. Keep up the good work!!!

DJ STYLUS Yeah well done bungle!!....

...Also i'm buying his dj name!!!!! Im willing to pay shit loadz!!!!!

Please stay forever young
djbungle Praise @ last,cheers.
Dj name not for sale(besides i think there is atleast a few people with the same name)I think.

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's
DJ STYLUS Me thinks not....There is only 1 DJBungle!!!!!!!

Please stay forever young
atomicb Hmm.. ok bungle.. most obvious thing here - if you have all these women every day, why do u need to brag about it? Surely you should be feeling so great about your self you don't need to justify it to us?

Yet you keep coming back, with smaller and smaller replies, and ure lacklusture web site with crap pr0n on it does you no favours :)

You could be right, but it's much, much more likely that it's not true.

Voltage Bravo to Mr Bungle!! Ashame really as I was gonna offer you a grand for your wonderful DJ name... :( I am v disappointed now.. more disappointed than Germany was today ;)

Forward to the New School.
MC RizlaDizla wanna buy my name you ****ing tyke ?

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc."
Voltage Ooo an advanced member with the MC vibe,
I reckon you've just learnt how to count 2 five,
I'll tell ya m8.. thats wicked - not half...
IN that case.. I'll 'av your autograph!!


Forward to the New School.
djbungle 2 lambuna`s over ere, av it
its mr nasty time
have that???????????

It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's
Brian K good god this topic is still going? =P

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."

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