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 These protesters have ruined everything

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Smoogie Have these protesters sabotaged our plan to ease lockdown?

The government want to save people as many jobs as possible and things looked like they would get better by this stage but these mass gatherings are clearly going to bring numbers back up.

I get it people are angry at the American police but why are the UK police being attacked? I heard that a horse got lose in London as well adding to the chaos. Are these people stupid or something? A horse could kill them.

I predict we will be back in full lockdown again soon with more people dying.

Oh well at least they all get their furlough payments, eh?

Just ridiculous
The drunken scotsman Some disgraceful scenes yesterday.

40,000+ dead.
Global shutdown.
Lockdown for 10 weeks.
Economy in meltdown.

And now you?ve got tens of thousands of arseholes out breaking all the social distancing rules to protest the murder of a man in another country.

Where is the condemnation of these selfish arseholes?

Yet ironically, they?re all on their moral high horse about the whole thing. **** off, right in the bin.

People in America did it, so now we?ve got to do it too. **** off.
Samination While there are people who genuine protest the bad things... the minority are just there to ruin it all. Looting, throwing things and going after both the police and protesters.

So far, only one protest have happened in sweden with any kind of actions taken. Two people being arrested for trying to entice a mob.
Si Thompson Yeah, ****ing disgrace. Needs clamping down on.
Impulse_Response We're saying the same thing here. Not too long ago you were shamed for going out because it was selfish and you were going to kill people. That's what they said about the anti-lockdown protestors. Now the media are treating these BLM protestors like gods and social media warriors say anyone who doesn't participate is complicit in police violence. Meanwhile they're also justifying the looting and destruction, and some are even endorsing it.

The only way to "win" is to be on the left.

Sidenote: I knew a guy who spoke out in favor of the looting. Then his club got looted, and he said he was going to find the people who did it and hang their skin outside the club.
LeVzi Ive gladly unfollowed or unfriended so many people who either went, or 100% support these protests and have no real clue what is behind it all.

My facebook never been so quiet, should have done it sooner.
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Ive gladly unfollowed or unfriended so many people who either went, or 100% support these protests and have no real clue what is behind it all.

My facebook never been so quiet, should have done it sooner.

I bet they were the same people demanding that Cummings was sacked?
Si Thompson
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Ive gladly unfollowed or unfriended so many people who either went, or 100% support these protests and have no real clue what is behind it all.

My facebook never been so quiet, should have done it sooner.

Same. Binned lots of immoral folk off that have condoned this. Unfollowed artists and music pages too.
Si Thompson
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Ive gladly unfollowed or unfriended so many people who either went, or 100% support these protests and have no real clue what is behind it all.

My facebook never been so quiet, should have done it sooner.

I bet they were the same people demanding that Cummings was sacked?

Exactly this.
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Ive gladly unfollowed or unfriended so many people who either went, or 100% support these protests and have no real clue what is behind it all.

My facebook never been so quiet, should have done it sooner.

I bet they were the same people demanding that Cummings was sacked?

Yep they were too.

And I know the protest here in Newport is due this Thursday, I wonder how that's going to go, as its a complete Lefty town and full of antifa.
arpz Cummings should have been sacked, obviously.

Originally posted by arpz:
Cummings should have been sacked, obviously.

No that was a plot to oust him. Boris refused to give into media pressure. He might take a bit of a hit in opinion polls but he has a few years before a GE so I doubt he is too bothered by that
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Originally posted by arpz:
Cummings should have been sacked, obviously.

No that was a plot to oust him. Boris refused to give into media pressure. He might take a bit of a hit in opinion polls but he has a few years before a GE so I doubt he is too bothered by that

No, he's a hypocrit that broke the rules. He should have been sacked. Nothing to do with media, he admitted doing it so therefore he should've resigned, or been sacked. Boris looks like total shit, it's good, but it's not enough, our government are a total joke and it's plain for all to see. 4 more years of this, keep smiling :)
Samination arpz, why argue with them? it was them who wanted boyo in power
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Originally posted by arpz:
Cummings should have been sacked, obviously.

No that was a plot to oust him. Boris refused to give into media pressure. He might take a bit of a hit in opinion polls but he has a few years before a GE so I doubt he is too bothered by that

No, he's a hypocrit that broke the rules. He should have been sacked. Nothing to do with media, he admitted doing it so therefore he should've resigned, or been sacked. Boris looks like total shit, it's good, but it's not enough, our government are a total joke and it's plain for all to see. 4 more years of this, keep smiling :)

And what about the fking labour ******* MP's like Kinnock who did it way before Cummings, once we were locked down he decided to leave london, and visit his parents in Wales for his fathers birthday, there were pictures, where was your outrage then eh ? The fking hypocrisy is laughable of left wingers.
Originally posted by LeVzi:

And what about the fking labour ******* MP's like Kinnock who did it way before Cummings, once we were locked down he decided to leave london, and visit his parents in Wales for his fathers birthday, there were pictures, where was your outrage then eh ? The fking hypocrisy is laughable of left wingers.

The Labour supporters have been doing my head in a lot lately. One rule for them and a different one for everyone else. No wonder they keep losing elections!
Si Thompson
arpz The outrage was present, it was widely reported and denounced. The difference is, Labour people haven't been actually riddled with the virus while taking their jaunts around the country.

The hypocrisy goes up a notch when you're the person that actually came up with the rules and slogans.

Honestly, if lefty is supposed to be an insult then I'll take it. Having compassion for other people isn't a negative trait in my eyes.
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Originally posted by LeVzi:

And what about the fking labour ******* MP's like Kinnock who did it way before Cummings, once we were locked down he decided to leave london, and visit his parents in Wales for his fathers birthday, there were pictures, where was your outrage then eh ? The fking hypocrisy is laughable of left wingers.

The Labour supporters have been doing my head in a lot lately. One rule for them and a different one for everyone else. No wonder they keep losing elections!

They are absolute idiots, they deny everything, and just point the finger at others. Its a dangerous time tbh because they are the core of organisations like Antifa. Thankfully now people are waking up to them, after the last lot of riots, and seeing their are hijacking the whole thing for their own end, which is pretty much Anarchy, tearing down all monuments, labelling everyone that doesnt agree with them as a racist. Shows how stupid they are when they deface Churchills monument as a racist, but it was the guy he won a war against was the real racist, but I guess racism against Jewish people doesn't count in their book. Shows how stupid they are tbh.

Starmer is even worse than Corbyn from what I can see. Absolutely clueless. Especially when I see MP's like Dawn Butler attacking the likes of Priti Patel saying she doesnt understand racism, LMFAO Please, that was pure comedy in the HoC.
Originally posted by arpz:
The outrage was present, it was widely reported and denounced. The difference is, Labour people haven't been actually riddled with the virus while taking their jaunts around the country.

The hypocrisy goes up a notch when you're the person that actually came up with the rules and slogans.

Honestly, if lefty is supposed to be an insult then I'll take it. Having compassion for other people isn't a negative trait in my eyes.

This is an exact example of the denial and Hypocrisy the left use to deflect everything from their own, and just blame those in opposition. So Kinnock came from the highest infected area (London) and drove to a different country, with different rules, because in case its not clear now, Wales has it's own set of rules, and English people were not allowed in unless with official business. And Kinnock went a few weeks into the initial lockdown. But thats OK, its still Cummings fault ! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

And having compassion for others isnt a negative trait ? I don't even know what you are trying to say there, because all i've seen from the left are riots, lies, racism, and hypocrisy. I see nothing for fellow man in any of that.
Si Thompson
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Originally posted by LeVzi:

And what about the fking labour ******* MP's like Kinnock who did it way before Cummings, once we were locked down he decided to leave london, and visit his parents in Wales for his fathers birthday, there were pictures, where was your outrage then eh ? The fking hypocrisy is laughable of left wingers.

The Labour supporters have been doing my head in a lot lately. One rule for them and a different one for everyone else. No wonder they keep losing elections!

They are absolute idiots, they deny everything, and just point the finger at others. Its a dangerous time tbh because they are the core of organisations like Antifa. Thankfully now people are waking up to them, after the last lot of riots, and seeing their are hijacking the whole thing for their own end, which is pretty much Anarchy, tearing down all monuments, labelling everyone that doesnt agree with them as a racist. Shows how stupid they are when they deface Churchills monument as a racist, but it was the guy he won a war against was the real racist, but I guess racism against Jewish people doesn't count in their book. Shows how stupid they are tbh.

Starmer is even worse than Corbyn from what I can see. Absolutely clueless. Especially when I see MP's like Dawn Butler attacking the likes of Priti Patel saying she doesnt understand racism, LMFAO Please, that was pure comedy in the HoC.

I saw that Priti Patel video. Did you see the BBC version compared to the full video? They cut most of it out.
Originally posted by Si Thompson:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Originally posted by LeVzi:

And what about the fking labour ******* MP's like Kinnock who did it way before Cummings, once we were locked down he decided to leave london, and visit his parents in Wales for his fathers birthday, there were pictures, where was your outrage then eh ? The fking hypocrisy is laughable of left wingers.

The Labour supporters have been doing my head in a lot lately. One rule for them and a different one for everyone else. No wonder they keep losing elections!

They are absolute idiots, they deny everything, and just point the finger at others. Its a dangerous time tbh because they are the core of organisations like Antifa. Thankfully now people are waking up to them, after the last lot of riots, and seeing their are hijacking the whole thing for their own end, which is pretty much Anarchy, tearing down all monuments, labelling everyone that doesnt agree with them as a racist. Shows how stupid they are when they deface Churchills monument as a racist, but it was the guy he won a war against was the real racist, but I guess racism against Jewish people doesn't count in their book. Shows how stupid they are tbh.

Starmer is even worse than Corbyn from what I can see. Absolutely clueless. Especially when I see MP's like Dawn Butler attacking the likes of Priti Patel saying she doesnt understand racism, LMFAO Please, that was pure comedy in the HoC.

I saw that Priti Patel video. Did you see the BBC version compared to the full video? They cut most of it out.

Yeah they would do, because it showed the labour MP as an absolute idiot. A black woman suggesting Priti Patel has no idea about racism. Its sad but I think everyone of colour has probably experienced racism at some point. And this has to stop. But unfortunately BLM is being hijacked by the left, and used as a means to push left wing agenda's.

Take the monuments, the slavers one in Bristol, Colston or whoever he was, I had no idea what it represented, but I think its removal was justified, just not the way it was done. If people are allowed to tear down monuments they don't like, where is the line drawn ? They defaced Churchills, calling him a racist, even in America they defaced Arnold's statue, calling him a racist. I mean WTF has Arnold Schwazenegger ever done that's racist ???

Now it moves onto TV Shows. The inbetweeners and Little britain removed because they offend some people, and now Fawlty Towers is to be removed. Sorry but this is something I am not going to accept, that the snowflake left wing of this country dictate what I can see. And the BBC are the worse of the lot.

We are rapidly moving towards a snowflake society and that's going to cause more problems than good.
Smoogie They are trying to remove Baden Powell's statue in Poole. It is our only statue and guess who suggested it? Thats right the former Labour candidate:

Originally posted by LeVzi:

Yeah they would do, because it showed the labour MP as an absolute idiot. A black woman suggesting Priti Patel has no idea about racism. Its sad but I think everyone of colour has probably experienced racism at some point. And this has to stop. But unfortunately BLM is being hijacked by the left, and used as a means to push left wing agenda's.

Yet had Cummings said something that would be misinterpreted as slightly off then they would have been all over it like a rash.

The bias at at the BBC is out of control.
arpz If you think the BBC is left-biased then you're ****ing deluded.

Imagine thinking being anti-facist is a problem.

You can claim Kinnock is worse than cummings if you want, or say that what cummings did was OK, the fact is, Kinnock wasn't involved in writing the rules, Kinnock wasn't riddled with the virus, Kinnock didn't put his family in his car to 'test his eyes'. Cummings is the hypocrit here, not me.

Absolutely delighted to hear of Farages sacking yesterday, bet that's got you all a bit worked up :D At least you've still got Turbogammon Ferrari on there, **** knows why they're still willing to put up with that.

Originally posted by arpz:
If you think the BBC is left-biased then you're ****ing deluded.

Imagine thinking being anti-facist is a problem.

You can claim Kinnock is worse than cummings if you want, or say that what cummings did was OK, the fact is, Kinnock wasn't involved in writing the rules, Kinnock wasn't riddled with the virus, Kinnock didn't put his family in his car to 'test his eyes'. Cummings is the hypocrit here, not me.

Absolutely delighted to hear of Farages sacking yesterday, bet that's got you all a bit worked up :D At least you've still got Turbogammon Ferrari on there, **** knows why they're still willing to put up with that.

I am not actually a huge supporter of Farage. I don't dislike the man but I have never really followed him much
Originally posted by Smoogie:

The bias at at the BBC is out of control.

Didn't BBC have a fall out with the current mayor of london, who happens to be a lefty?
Anon. These protestsers wanting statues removed are ****ing idiots.

Especially the Winston Churchill one, these people need to remember that people like churchill and all the others sacrificed themselves to give us our freedom that we have today and that needs to be honored and respected.

They boarded up his statue and the cenotaph , ****ing shocking it came to that. These people should be ashamed.

The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by Anon.:
These protestsers wanting statues removed are ****ing idiots.

Especially the Winston Churchill one, these people need to remember that people like churchill and all the others sacrificed themselves to give us our freedom that we have today and that needs to be honored and respected.

They boarded up his statue and the cenotaph , ****ing shocking it came to that. These people should be ashamed.

Exactly. Like it or not, the whole country was built on slave trade. We cant rewrite history. Where do we stop with this shite? Do we just nuke Africa seeing as the entire human race can be traced back to Africa? Shameful stuff.
Originally posted by arpz:
If you think the BBC is left-biased then you're ****ing deluded.

Imagine thinking being anti-facist is a problem.

You can claim Kinnock is worse than cummings if you want, or say that what cummings did was OK, the fact is, Kinnock wasn't involved in writing the rules, Kinnock wasn't riddled with the virus, Kinnock didn't put his family in his car to 'test his eyes'. Cummings is the hypocrit here, not me.

Absolutely delighted to hear of Farages sacking yesterday, bet that's got you all a bit worked up :D At least you've still got Turbogammon Ferrari on there, **** knows why they're still willing to put up with that.

This is an example of the left wing delusion that we see now on a daily basis. Total denial anything their lot do is wrong, but blaming everyone else. What a snowflake. Kinnock is as bad as Cummings, they both broke the rules, but the hysteria was over Cummings and Kinnock was never mentioned, and that was the BBC. Did they BBC condemn him ? No, they started a witch hunt against Boris for not sacking him. The BBC are so far left now they are beyond help, and the fact you think thats a delusion is beyond me, the snowflakes ive seen denying the riots in London were bad, in fact blaming a poorly trained officer for lefty asshats throwing bikes at them.

And as for Farage, LBC have become the more and more left wing, and i've never paid any attention to LBC anyway, or Farage on there. The Brexit Party stopped having meaning after we finally got out of the EU. So no, I wasn't bothered at all, but we still left didn't we. What a result for common sense. I bet that still stings like a bitch to you retarded lefties.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by Anon.:
These protestsers wanting statues removed are ****ing idiots.

Especially the Winston Churchill one, these people need to remember that people like churchill and all the others sacrificed themselves to give us our freedom that we have today and that needs to be honored and respected.

They boarded up his statue and the cenotaph , ****ing shocking it came to that. These people should be ashamed.

Exactly. Like it or not, the whole country was built on slave trade. We cant rewrite history. Where do we stop with this shite? Do we just nuke Africa seeing as the entire human race can be traced back to Africa? Shameful stuff.

No one is trying to rewrite history. People wanted a plaque to say that Colston wasn't just straight up wonderful, that's all, couldn't get it, no one wanted to do that. So instead, black people were forced to walk past a celebration of a slave trader. I don't know how you can justify it
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by arpz:
If you think the BBC is left-biased then you're ****ing deluded.

Imagine thinking being anti-facist is a problem.

You can claim Kinnock is worse than cummings if you want, or say that what cummings did was OK, the fact is, Kinnock wasn't involved in writing the rules, Kinnock wasn't riddled with the virus, Kinnock didn't put his family in his car to 'test his eyes'. Cummings is the hypocrit here, not me.

Absolutely delighted to hear of Farages sacking yesterday, bet that's got you all a bit worked up :D At least you've still got Turbogammon Ferrari on there, **** knows why they're still willing to put up with that.

This is an example of the left wing delusion that we see now on a daily basis. Total denial anything their lot do is wrong, but blaming everyone else. What a snowflake. Kinnock is as bad as Cummings, they both broke the rules, but the hysteria was over Cummings and Kinnock was never mentioned, and that was the BBC. Did they BBC condemn him ? No, they started a witch hunt against Boris for not sacking him. The BBC are so far left now they are beyond help, and the fact you think thats a delusion is beyond me, the snowflakes ive seen denying the riots in London were bad, in fact blaming a poorly trained officer for lefty asshats throwing bikes at them.

And as for Farage, LBC have become the more and more left wing, and i've never paid any attention to LBC anyway, or Farage on there. The Brexit Party stopped having meaning after we finally got out of the EU. So no, I wasn't bothered at all, but we still left didn't we. What a result for common sense. I bet that still stings like a bitch to you retarded lefties.

I didn't deny it. Cummings is a hypocrit, Kinnock is not. If you are in charge of making the rules, and then don't abide by them, you're worse than someone who just broke the rules.

How can you refute that?

Oh yes, we've well and truly left the EU haven't we, and Boris' oven-ready deal is SO READY TO GO!... Oh wait, no it isn't. It's 'unfair' according to the man himself. The laughable thing is, the swathes of idiots that voted for brexit are likely to be the ones hurt by it the most. I don't suppose it'll affect me very much, but it'll affect the poorer. What a retard I am to be thinking of them.
arpz As for BBC bias, you have heard of Laura Kuenssberg, the political editor? Right?

The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by Anon.:
These protestsers wanting statues removed are ****ing idiots.

Especially the Winston Churchill one, these people need to remember that people like churchill and all the others sacrificed themselves to give us our freedom that we have today and that needs to be honored and respected.

They boarded up his statue and the cenotaph , ****ing shocking it came to that. These people should be ashamed.

Exactly. Like it or not, the whole country was built on slave trade. We cant rewrite history. Where do we stop with this shite? Do we just nuke Africa seeing as the entire human race can be traced back to Africa? Shameful stuff.

No one is trying to rewrite history. People wanted a plaque to say that Colston wasn't just straight up wonderful, that's all, couldn't get it, no one wanted to do that. So instead, black people were forced to walk past a celebration of a slave trader. I don't know how you can justify it

Thats ********. They wanted a plaque and didnt get one so decided to tear it down? These arseholes would have taken it down regardless of whether it had a plaque or not. If the plaque was such an issue why wait until protests/riots following the murder of someone in another country, before they tear it down? They are opportunists and its disgraceful.

As I said, the whole country was built on slave trade. People cant just tear statues down because hundreds of years later things have changed. It is vandalism pure and simple - where does it end? If anything it should be a positive reminder that the human race has evolved from the days of slavery.

The same applies for taking down tv shows like Little Britain and the many others that were taken down. That is a dangerous game imo. Not that I was a fan of them or anything but we cant just delete historical programmes because it doesnt fit with modern thinking. Again, where does it stop?

Unfortunately, it is engrained in human nature to have biases such as racism. Black people also have biases. Until we evolve again it will never go away. Its like protesting against ourselves. At least in the U.K. we are miles ahead of other counties. London is one of the most multi-cultural cities on the planet.
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by arpz:
If you think the BBC is left-biased then you're ****ing deluded.

Imagine thinking being anti-facist is a problem.

You can claim Kinnock is worse than cummings if you want, or say that what cummings did was OK, the fact is, Kinnock wasn't involved in writing the rules, Kinnock wasn't riddled with the virus, Kinnock didn't put his family in his car to 'test his eyes'. Cummings is the hypocrit here, not me.

Absolutely delighted to hear of Farages sacking yesterday, bet that's got you all a bit worked up :D At least you've still got Turbogammon Ferrari on there, **** knows why they're still willing to put up with that.

This is an example of the left wing delusion that we see now on a daily basis. Total denial anything their lot do is wrong, but blaming everyone else. What a snowflake. Kinnock is as bad as Cummings, they both broke the rules, but the hysteria was over Cummings and Kinnock was never mentioned, and that was the BBC. Did they BBC condemn him ? No, they started a witch hunt against Boris for not sacking him. The BBC are so far left now they are beyond help, and the fact you think thats a delusion is beyond me, the snowflakes ive seen denying the riots in London were bad, in fact blaming a poorly trained officer for lefty asshats throwing bikes at them.

And as for Farage, LBC have become the more and more left wing, and i've never paid any attention to LBC anyway, or Farage on there. The Brexit Party stopped having meaning after we finally got out of the EU. So no, I wasn't bothered at all, but we still left didn't we. What a result for common sense. I bet that still stings like a bitch to you retarded lefties.

I didn't deny it. Cummings is a hypocrit, Kinnock is not. If you are in charge of making the rules, and then don't abide by them, you're worse than someone who just broke the rules.

How can you refute that?

Oh yes, we've well and truly left the EU haven't we, and Boris' oven-ready deal is SO READY TO GO!... Oh wait, no it isn't. It's 'unfair' according to the man himself. The laughable thing is, the swathes of idiots that voted for brexit are likely to be the ones hurt by it the most. I don't suppose it'll affect me very much, but it'll affect the poorer. What a retard I am to be thinking of them.

Thats delusion, because you are finding order in people breaking rules. Cummings broke the rules, as did Kinnock, as did Tahir Ali, MP from Labour who went to a funeral. In fact a lot broke the rules, so why were there no massive cries all over the media to sack Kinnock ??????? Simple question, why was there no massive media attention to them? Media bias. Simple answer.

I don't refute any of it, Cummings was an idiot, as was Kinnock and Ali, and they either all keep their jobs or they all lose them.

Are are a retard, because your hypocrasy is laughable, people are idiots for voting for brexit yet you are concerned about them. The fk you are, you are just praying for things to get bad for them, that's the truth of left wing attitudes. You WANT people so suffer because of their beliefs just to prove your point. And if they did, you'd actually not care 2 sh!ts, and be like "Well you reap what you sow" So don't try to pretend you care anything about them, you don't.

Whole reason there was a witch hunt on Cummings was because he was behind the sucessful Brexit campaign, and they haven't forgotten.

Oh and by the way, the fact you mention Laura Kuenssberg , to me, shows where you're at. She is the most biased , and quite frankly terrible corespondent on the BBC. If you think she's good, you need looking at
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by arpz:
If you think the BBC is left-biased then you're ****ing deluded.

Imagine thinking being anti-facist is a problem.

You can claim Kinnock is worse than cummings if you want, or say that what cummings did was OK, the fact is, Kinnock wasn't involved in writing the rules, Kinnock wasn't riddled with the virus, Kinnock didn't put his family in his car to 'test his eyes'. Cummings is the hypocrit here, not me.

Absolutely delighted to hear of Farages sacking yesterday, bet that's got you all a bit worked up :D At least you've still got Turbogammon Ferrari on there, **** knows why they're still willing to put up with that.

This is an example of the left wing delusion that we see now on a daily basis. Total denial anything their lot do is wrong, but blaming everyone else. What a snowflake. Kinnock is as bad as Cummings, they both broke the rules, but the hysteria was over Cummings and Kinnock was never mentioned, and that was the BBC. Did they BBC condemn him ? No, they started a witch hunt against Boris for not sacking him. The BBC are so far left now they are beyond help, and the fact you think thats a delusion is beyond me, the snowflakes ive seen denying the riots in London were bad, in fact blaming a poorly trained officer for lefty asshats throwing bikes at them.

And as for Farage, LBC have become the more and more left wing, and i've never paid any attention to LBC anyway, or Farage on there. The Brexit Party stopped having meaning after we finally got out of the EU. So no, I wasn't bothered at all, but we still left didn't we. What a result for common sense. I bet that still stings like a bitch to you retarded lefties.

I didn't deny it. Cummings is a hypocrit, Kinnock is not. If you are in charge of making the rules, and then don't abide by them, you're worse than someone who just broke the rules.

How can you refute that?

Oh yes, we've well and truly left the EU haven't we, and Boris' oven-ready deal is SO READY TO GO!... Oh wait, no it isn't. It's 'unfair' according to the man himself. The laughable thing is, the swathes of idiots that voted for brexit are likely to be the ones hurt by it the most. I don't suppose it'll affect me very much, but it'll affect the poorer. What a retard I am to be thinking of them.

Thats delusion, because you are finding order in people breaking rules. Cummings broke the rules, as did Kinnock, as did Tahir Ali, MP from Labour who went to a funeral. In fact a lot broke the rules, so why were there no massive cries all over the media to sack Kinnock ??????? Simple question, why was there no massive media attention to them? Media bias. Simple answer.

I don't refute any of it, Cummings was an idiot, as was Kinnock and Ali, and they either all keep their jobs or they all lose them.

Are are a retard, because your hypocrasy is laughable, people are idiots for voting for brexit yet you are concerned about them. The fk you are, you are just praying for things to get bad for them, that's the truth of left wing attitudes. You WANT people so suffer because of their beliefs just to prove your point. And if they did, you'd actually not care 2 sh!ts, and be like "Well you reap what you sow" So don't try to pretend you care anything about them, you don't.

Whole reason there was a witch hunt on Cummings was because he was behind the sucessful Brexit campaign, and they haven't forgotten.

Oh and by the way, the fact you mention Laura Kuenssberg , to me, shows where you're at. She is the most biased , and quite frankly terrible corespondent on the BBC. If you think she's good, you need looking at

No, I'm not 'finding order', I'm stating that being a hypocrit and a rule breaker is worse than just being a rule breaker. It's two things, instead of one. Two. Get it? Two things.... I could understand the trouble if we were talking about double digits or more but this is literally the difference between one and two, keep up.

If you're going to call someone a retard, try to make sure that you spell all the words correctly in the very sentence making the claim. Having said that, hypocrisy is a bit of a theme here.

Yeah, a vast majority are idiots, they're voting for a dream that they can't define. Nothing tangible. Sucked in by the promise that they'd be sticking it to the elite and ?350 million a week to the NHS. I'm not praying for things to get worse but I can see why you'd think that might be the case - you're framing it up in the way that you personally see things, and how you'd respond. That's exactly what I'd expect from a single issue voter. It is possible to feel compassion for other people, not everything has to be a football match.

The vast majority of the media were in support of brexit. Larua Kuenssberg is not good, no, she shows insane bias towards the tories. Going as far as to break electoral law on election day by talking about how things weren't 'looking good' for labour based on postal votes. It's quite amusing really, both sides seem to always say that the BBC is biased for the other team.

Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by Anon.:
These protestsers wanting statues removed are ****ing idiots.

Especially the Winston Churchill one, these people need to remember that people like churchill and all the others sacrificed themselves to give us our freedom that we have today and that needs to be honored and respected.

They boarded up his statue and the cenotaph , ****ing shocking it came to that. These people should be ashamed.

Exactly. Like it or not, the whole country was built on slave trade. We cant rewrite history. Where do we stop with this shite? Do we just nuke Africa seeing as the entire human race can be traced back to Africa? Shameful stuff.

No one is trying to rewrite history. People wanted a plaque to say that Colston wasn't just straight up wonderful, that's all, couldn't get it, no one wanted to do that. So instead, black people were forced to walk past a celebration of a slave trader. I don't know how you can justify it

Thats ********. They wanted a plaque and didnt get one so decided to tear it down? These arseholes would have taken it down regardless of whether it had a plaque or not. If the plaque was such an issue why wait until protests/riots following the murder of someone in another country, before they tear it down? They are opportunists and its disgraceful.

As I said, the whole country was built on slave trade. People cant just tear statues down because hundreds of years later things have changed. It is vandalism pure and simple - where does it end? If anything it should be a positive reminder that the human race has evolved from the days of slavery.

The same applies for taking down tv shows like Little Britain and the many others that were taken down. That is a dangerous game imo. Not that I was a fan of them or anything but we cant just delete historical programmes because it doesnt fit with modern thinking. Again, where does it stop?

Unfortunately, it is engrained in human nature to have biases such as racism. Black people also have biases. Until we evolve again it will never go away. Its like protesting against ourselves. At least in the U.K. we are miles ahead of other counties. London is one of the most multi-cultural cities on the planet.

You don't know what they would've done. Why couldn't they add a plaque? Like I said, add context. like they intend to with the TV shows etc.

All of that shit is definitely a distraction though, I'll agree on that point. The statues, the TV stuff, I think are all valid arguments to be having but throwing it in with the BLM movement just dilutes the message.

Children aren't racist. So I think that's total bollocks. And we're not that far ahead. Black people are forty times more likely to be stop and searched, five times more likely to have force used against them, twice as likely to be detained under the mental health act, to name just a few stats that I can remember without Googling. It's a ****ing good job our police don't have guns.
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by Anon.:
These protestsers wanting statues removed are ****ing idiots.

Especially the Winston Churchill one, these people need to remember that people like churchill and all the others sacrificed themselves to give us our freedom that we have today and that needs to be honored and respected.

They boarded up his statue and the cenotaph , ****ing shocking it came to that. These people should be ashamed.

Exactly. Like it or not, the whole country was built on slave trade. We cant rewrite history. Where do we stop with this shite? Do we just nuke Africa seeing as the entire human race can be traced back to Africa? Shameful stuff.

No one is trying to rewrite history. People wanted a plaque to say that Colston wasn't just straight up wonderful, that's all, couldn't get it, no one wanted to do that. So instead, black people were forced to walk past a celebration of a slave trader. I don't know how you can justify it

Thats ********. They wanted a plaque and didnt get one so decided to tear it down? These arseholes would have taken it down regardless of whether it had a plaque or not. If the plaque was such an issue why wait until protests/riots following the murder of someone in another country, before they tear it down? They are opportunists and its disgraceful.

As I said, the whole country was built on slave trade. People cant just tear statues down because hundreds of years later things have changed. It is vandalism pure and simple - where does it end? If anything it should be a positive reminder that the human race has evolved from the days of slavery.

The same applies for taking down tv shows like Little Britain and the many others that were taken down. That is a dangerous game imo. Not that I was a fan of them or anything but we cant just delete historical programmes because it doesnt fit with modern thinking. Again, where does it stop?

Unfortunately, it is engrained in human nature to have biases such as racism. Black people also have biases. Until we evolve again it will never go away. Its like protesting against ourselves. At least in the U.K. we are miles ahead of other counties. London is one of the most multi-cultural cities on the planet.

You don't know what they would've done. Why couldn't they add a plaque? Like I said, add context. like they intend to with the TV shows etc.

All of that shit is definitely a distraction though, I'll agree on that point. The statues, the TV stuff, I think are all valid arguments to be having but throwing it in with the BLM movement just dilutes the message.

Children aren't racist. So I think that's total bollocks. And we're not that far ahead. Black people are forty times more likely to be stop and searched, five times more likely to have force used against them, twice as likely to be detained under the mental health act, to name just a few stats that I can remember without Googling. It's a ****ing good job our police don't have guns.

Perhaps not but then again neither do you and you are the one offering the plaque as an excuse for tearing down a statue.

Children arent racist? Dont know where to start with that. When I was younger, I remember racism was always a lot worse in younger people who didnt understand the extent of what they were saying when they called someone a racist name. You are living in a fantasy land if you think racism doesnt exist in younger age groups.
arpz Not really offering it as an excuse, but you can say 'We can't have people doing this sort of thing' and then what? Nothing changes - the plaque was attempted for years and years, nothing changed so is that alright? Presumably for you, it would be alright, because you're not troubled by it. I think it would trouble black people though, if they were suffering various types of oppression daily to have to walk past a literal celebration of a man who inflicted it on thousands.

I meant like toddlers really, it's not inherent. It's a learned thing.

No, I'm not 'finding order', I'm stating that being a hypocrit and a rule breaker is worse than just being a rule breaker. It's two things, instead of one. Two. Get it? Two things.... I could understand the trouble if we were talking about double digits or more but this is literally the difference between one and two, keep up.

If you're going to call someone a retard, try to make sure that you spell all the words correctly in the very sentence making the claim. Having said that, hypocrisy is a bit of a theme here.

Yeah, a vast majority are idiots, they're voting for a dream that they can't define. Nothing tangible. Sucked in by the promise that they'd be sticking it to the elite and ?350 million a week to the NHS. I'm not praying for things to get worse but I can see why you'd think that might be the case - you're framing it up in the way that you personally see things, and how you'd respond. That's exactly what I'd expect from a single issue voter. It is possible to feel compassion for other people, not everything has to be a football match.

The vast majority of the media were in support of brexit. Larua Kuenssberg is not good, no, she shows insane bias towards the tories. Going as far as to break electoral law on election day by talking about how things weren't 'looking good' for labour based on postal votes. It's quite amusing really, both sides seem to always say that the BBC is biased for the other team.

You really aren't that bright are you.

a) So basically because Cummings orchestrated Brexit, the left are still enraged. I'm afraid you are going to have to suck that up and move on you little retard, because you lost, and trying anything to get the man sacked, is petty, and pathetic. Typical of any modern lefty.

b) If you are going to use the word hypocrite, at least spell it correctly, I mean really !!!

c) Unfortunately brexit voters can envisage the dream after we leave, and it's already starting to take shape. Changes have been made already that are positive. Covid has stalled all that, but we will pick up. Thankfully Boris has stuck to his word and not granted an extension.

d) The vast majority of media WERE NOT in favour of Brexit, neither were the HoC, or many CEO's of companies, including the bank of England. So how you can claim the opposite is really quite worrying, simply because you believe what you say. As i've said before, delusion is a common trait in the modern brainwashed idiot lefty. A simple google search on Laura Kuenssberg shows her bias against the right, even more so now. The media is in question for bias to the left then and now, with the BBC at the top of the pile for that, but also fake news. BBC reporting on election day, stating that things weren't looking good for Labour isn't bias, its fact. Labour, under Corbyn, lost a landslide, and under Starmer, will do again, the fact they employ racists like Lammy and Butler to prominent positions makes me laugh, it makes sure Labour are completely un-electable for the next decade. Now the government needs to get in the schools and universities and remove the teachers / lecturers preaching and brainwashing the students to "the ways of the left" because that's where it all happens which is why here in Wales , they dropped the voting age to 16 in a vein attempt to buy votes from the youth, who quite frankly are clueless at 16 to politics.

So your claim to have compassion for people yet you condemn a man for caring about his child. You are claiming Cummings was on a jolly up, and that his kid had no baring on that. Makes me wonder who the real hypocrite is here.

Originally posted by LeVzi:

No, I'm not 'finding order', I'm stating that being a hypocrit and a rule breaker is worse than just being a rule breaker. It's two things, instead of one. Two. Get it? Two things.... I could understand the trouble if we were talking about double digits or more but this is literally the difference between one and two, keep up.

If you're going to call someone a retard, try to make sure that you spell all the words correctly in the very sentence making the claim. Having said that, hypocrisy is a bit of a theme here.

Yeah, a vast majority are idiots, they're voting for a dream that they can't define. Nothing tangible. Sucked in by the promise that they'd be sticking it to the elite and ?350 million a week to the NHS. I'm not praying for things to get worse but I can see why you'd think that might be the case - you're framing it up in the way that you personally see things, and how you'd respond. That's exactly what I'd expect from a single issue voter. It is possible to feel compassion for other people, not everything has to be a football match.

The vast majority of the media were in support of brexit. Larua Kuenssberg is not good, no, she shows insane bias towards the tories. Going as far as to break electoral law on election day by talking about how things weren't 'looking good' for labour based on postal votes. It's quite amusing really, both sides seem to always say that the BBC is biased for the other team.

You really aren't that bright are you.

a) So basically because Cummings orchestrated Brexit, the left are still enraged. I'm afraid you are going to have to suck that up and move on you little retard, because you lost, and trying anything to get the man sacked, is petty, and pathetic. Typical of any modern lefty.

b) If you are going to use the word hypocrite, at least spell it correctly, I mean really !!!

c) Unfortunately brexit voters can envisage the dream after we leave, and it's already starting to take shape. Changes have been made already that are positive. Covid has stalled all that, but we will pick up. Thankfully Boris has stuck to his word and not granted an extension.

d) The vast majority of media WERE NOT in favour of Brexit, neither were the HoC, or many CEO's of companies, including the bank of England. So how you can claim the opposite is really quite worrying, simply because you believe what you say. As i've said before, delusion is a common trait in the modern brainwashed idiot lefty. A simple google search on Laura Kuenssberg shows her bias against the right, even more so now. The media is in question for bias to the left then and now, with the BBC at the top of the pile for that, but also fake news. BBC reporting on election day, stating that things weren't looking good for Labour isn't bias, its fact. Labour, under Corbyn, lost a landslide, and under Starmer, will do again, the fact they employ racists like Lammy and Butler to prominent positions makes me laugh, it makes sure Labour are completely un-electable for the next decade. Now the government needs to get in the schools and universities and remove the teachers / lecturers preaching and brainwashing the students to "the ways of the left" because that's where it all happens which is why here in Wales , they dropped the voting age to 16 in a vein attempt to buy votes from the youth, who quite frankly are clueless at 16 to politics.

So your claim to have compassion for people yet you condemn a man for caring about his child. You are claiming Cummings was on a jolly up, and that his kid had no baring on that. Makes me wonder who the real hypocrite is here.

a) No, it doesn't have anything to do with brexit. He broke the rules that he created, so he should be sacked. We've seen the results of his actions - shitloads of people completely ignoring lockdown rules and using the 'Cummings defense'. Again, you're calling me a retard, but you're still the one that can only see this through the brexit lens - one issue voter.

b) You don't need spaces before exclamation marks, even if you've got three of them in a row. You really aren't that bright, are you?

c) Are you able to actually state what it is that you're getting from brexit that makes you so happy?

d) The very fact that brexit happens shows that the media were in support of it -

An hour after victory was declared for the Leave side in the referendum, Tony Gallagher, the editor of the Sun, Britain?s biggest-selling newspaper, crowed: ?So much for the waning power of the print media?. In common with the overwhelming majority of the British press, the Sun had throughout the campaign made no secret of its support for Brexit, and had, just days before the referendum, emblazoned its front cover with a Union Jack and the message ?BeLEAVE in Britain?. (

Re: Kuenssberg -

It was a fact, and she broke election law to tell us about it. She shows a clear bias to the tories, but you're not going to accept it and will just say the opposite is true. However, just a quick link to her Wikipedia doesn't have much in the way of suggestions of a bias in the other direction -

The fact that you're trying to say labour are racist, while supporting Boris Johnson is totally laughable.

If you believe the Cummings version of events in its entirety and give him the benefit of the doubt at every single turn, you still have to concede that he decided to take his family in his car for a 30 mile drive to 'test his eyesight'. That's not a man caring for his child, is it?
LeVzi Arpz you are the perfect stereotype of the typical lefty idiot that is causing a lot of problems in the UK right now. And if you don't think Lammy and Butler are racists, shows the denial most left wing voters are in. I guess you'd say Jeremy Corbyn wasn't an antisemetic.

Your detraction from the "bleeding obvious" is how lefties think and act.

So glad your labour party are completely un-electable.

Completely Brainwashed... Its sad to see.
MusicILove I am not here to talk politics.

I hate politics now and want nothing to do with them.

Please don?t use the word retard.

As a disabled person I have had that term used against me all my life. It isn?t a nice word to use. As for someone who claims to be compassionate for others maybe you need to think a little more about what you say before criticising others.
Samination Well, you voted for the ones who are least likely to help people in your situation.

And I'm with Corbyn, **** Isreal as a state, not its citizen.
Originally posted by MusicILove:
I am not here to talk politics.

I hate politics now and want nothing to do with them.

Please don?t use the word retard.

As a disabled person I have had that term used against me all my life. It isn?t a nice word to use. As for someone who claims to be compassionate for others maybe you need to think a little more about what you say before criticising others.

I'm using his words.

edit: I'm assuming you're talking to me because I'm the one claiming to have compassion?
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Arpz you are the perfect stereotype of the typical lefty idiot that is causing a lot of problems in the UK right now. And if you don't think Lammy and Butler are racists, shows the denial most left wing voters are in. I guess you'd say Jeremy Corbyn wasn't an antisemetic.

Your detraction from the "bleeding obvious" is how lefties think and act.

So glad your labour party are completely un-electable.

Completely Brainwashed... Its sad to see.

Yeah, he isn't anti-semitic. You've just swallowed the ******** that says you can't criticise Israel without being an anti-semite. I'm really not the brainwashed one.

I notice you haven't actually refuted any of my points, you've just repeated your claims that I'm an idiot. Still waiting to hear about these glorious brexit results.
Originally posted by Samination:
Well, you voted for the ones who are least likely to help people in your situation.

And I'm with Corbyn, **** Isreal as a state, not its citizen.

I did. Only because it?s how I have been brought up. It?s a bit hard to think for yourself when your family are boris?s biggest supporters. I have changed a lot in 6 months and would never vote conservative again. Never ever again.

42,000 dead and the blood is on the governments hands. Their I said it.

Money before people. I said it again.

I?m out.
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by MusicILove:
I am not here to talk politics.

I hate politics now and want nothing to do with them.

Please don?t use the word retard.

As a disabled person I have had that term used against me all my life. It isn?t a nice word to use. As for someone who claims to be compassionate for others maybe you need to think a little more about what you say before criticising others.

I'm using his words.

edit: I'm assuming you're talking to me because I'm the one claiming to have compassion?

It?s to all of who used the word. I should of put a gap to make it clear I was addressing you separately. Sorry.

You are using his words. If someone uses the n word does that mean you would use it?
Originally posted by MusicILove:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by MusicILove:
I am not here to talk politics.

I hate politics now and want nothing to do with them.

Please don?t use the word retard.

As a disabled person I have had that term used against me all my life. It isn?t a nice word to use. As for someone who claims to be compassionate for others maybe you need to think a little more about what you say before criticising others.

I'm using his words.

edit: I'm assuming you're talking to me because I'm the one claiming to have compassion?

It?s to all of who used the word. I should of put a gap to make it clear I was addressing you separately. Sorry.

You are using his words. If someone uses the n word does that mean you would use it?

No, but in order for me to respond to his claims, I need to explain what I'm referring to. It wouldn't have come into it if he wasn't chucking the word round like candy
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by MusicILove:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by MusicILove:
I am not here to talk politics.

I hate politics now and want nothing to do with them.

Please don?t use the word retard.

As a disabled person I have had that term used against me all my life. It isn?t a nice word to use. As for someone who claims to be compassionate for others maybe you need to think a little more about what you say before criticising others.

I'm using his words.

edit: I'm assuming you're talking to me because I'm the one claiming to have compassion?

It?s to all of who used the word. I should of put a gap to make it clear I was addressing you separately. Sorry.

You are using his words. If someone uses the n word does that mean you would use it?

No, but in order for me to respond to his claims, I need to explain what I'm referring to. It wouldn't have come into it if he wasn't chucking the word round like candy

What a retard I am to be thinking of them.

No need for it. You didn?t need to add that on the end. But if you were in the same situation with the N word you wouldn?t use it still so why should a word that offends disabled be treated differently.

What you said about the people voting for Brexit being the most affected. Yep that?s me. I voted again under the influence of my family. I thought things would be better. But now I know more I realise how bad things are going to be. :(

I am not like my family. I never want to be like them. They have said some truly disgraceful things through all of this.
Originally posted by MusicILove:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by MusicILove:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by MusicILove:
I am not here to talk politics.

I hate politics now and want nothing to do with them.

Please don?t use the word retard.

As a disabled person I have had that term used against me all my life. It isn?t a nice word to use. As for someone who claims to be compassionate for others maybe you need to think a little more about what you say before criticising others.

I'm using his words.

edit: I'm assuming you're talking to me because I'm the one claiming to have compassion?

It?s to all of who used the word. I should of put a gap to make it clear I was addressing you separately. Sorry.

You are using his words. If someone uses the n word does that mean you would use it?

No, but in order for me to respond to his claims, I need to explain what I'm referring to. It wouldn't have come into it if he wasn't chucking the word round like candy

What a retard I am to be thinking of them.

No need for it. You didn?t need to add that on the end. But if you were in the same situation with the N word you wouldn?t use it still so why should a word that offends disabled be treated differently.

What you said about the people voting for Brexit being the most affected. Yep that?s me. I voted again under the influence of my family. I thought things would be better. But now I know more I realise how bad things are going to be. :(

I am not like my family. I never want to be like them. They have said some truly disgraceful things through all of this.

I see your point, to be honest, if it was the N word I wouldn't have used it again, but there's a generally accepted replacement of 'N word' to use in its place. You have revealed a bit of a bias in me I suppose, sorry for my repeated use of it after the fact.

I'm glad we're on the same page about the government, I think a lot more people are starting to realise what's going on throughout this, the cries of 'Yeah but what if labour were in charge?' are becoming a lot less frequent when it seems apparent that our government are doing the wrong thing at literally every turn.
The drunken scotsman Blaming the government for the death toll is not helpful in any way. This is nature taking its course and its the first time the world has collectively tried to fight nature.

Mistakes have been made but to blame the death of 42000 people on the government is just ridiculous. If you want to blame anything look at the root cause of the pandemic and the attempted coverup and delay in reporting it from the Chinese government. But even then, this isnt the first and it wont be the last deadly virus the world has to deal with.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Blaming the government for the death toll is not helpful in any way. This is nature taking its course and its the first time the world has collectively tried to fight nature.

Mistakes have been made but to blame the death of 42000 people on the government is just ridiculous. If you want to blame anything look at the root cause of the pandemic and the attempted coverup and delay in reporting it from the Chinese government. But even then, this isnt the first and it wont be the last deadly virus the world has to deal with.

It's not helpful after the fact, no, the deaths have happened but there are shitloads of experts standing up to say that many of the extra deaths are down to the government. We had time to react, we had time to deal with it but we did nothing. We went against what nearly every other country did in the pursuit of herd immunity because Boris/Cummings thought that their gamble would pay off for the economy. As it happens, the deaths have been completely for nothing, because the economy is also ****ed.

You can see a timeline of government failings here, It's just a list of events, with multiple sources cited,
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Blaming the government for the death toll is not helpful in any way. This is nature taking its course and its the first time the world has collectively tried to fight nature.

Mistakes have been made but to blame the death of 42000 people on the government is just ridiculous. If you want to blame anything look at the root cause of the pandemic and the attempted coverup and delay in reporting it from the Chinese government. But even then, this isnt the first and it wont be the last deadly virus the world has to deal with.

Sources claim that a lot of UK deaths are given Covid19 on death certificates even if that was not the actual cause. It might be easier for post mortems to save a build up of cases but our national broadcaster seems to overlook this fact though.

BBC = Boris Bashing Corporation
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Blaming the government for the death toll is not helpful in any way. This is nature taking its course and its the first time the world has collectively tried to fight nature.

Mistakes have been made but to blame the death of 42000 people on the government is just ridiculous. If you want to blame anything look at the root cause of the pandemic and the attempted coverup and delay in reporting it from the Chinese government. But even then, this isnt the first and it wont be the last deadly virus the world has to deal with.

Sources claim that a lot of UK deaths are given Covid19 on death certificates even if that was not the actual cause. It might be easier for post mortems to save a build up of cases but our national broadcaster seems to overlook this fact though.

BBC = Boris Bashing Corporation

Are you trying to claim that the government statistics for COVID19 deaths are incorrect? Wouldn't the government be stating it if that were the case?

The actual cause might be a heart attack, brought on by COVID19 (for example).
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Blaming the government for the death toll is not helpful in any way. This is nature taking its course and its the first time the world has collectively tried to fight nature.

Mistakes have been made but to blame the death of 42000 people on the government is just ridiculous. If you want to blame anything look at the root cause of the pandemic and the attempted coverup and delay in reporting it from the Chinese government. But even then, this isnt the first and it wont be the last deadly virus the world has to deal with.

It's not helpful after the fact, no, the deaths have happened but there are shitloads of experts standing up to say that many of the extra deaths are down to the government. We had time to react, we had time to deal with it but we did nothing. We went against what nearly every other country did in the pursuit of herd immunity because Boris/Cummings thought that their gamble would pay off for the economy. As it happens, the deaths have been completely for nothing, because the economy is also ****ed.

You can see a timeline of government failings here, It's just a list of events, with multiple sources cited,

Shitloads of experts = a bunch of people on social media with an agenda, who know **** all about anything, but appeal to people like you who are looking for blame as you have an issue with the government.

Look at the bigger picture and stop trying to pick holes in everything that has happened. I hate the term unprecedented but it really is and mistakes are going to be made. Pretty much all countries have made mistakes. You cant fight nature.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Blaming the government for the death toll is not helpful in any way. This is nature taking its course and its the first time the world has collectively tried to fight nature.

Mistakes have been made but to blame the death of 42000 people on the government is just ridiculous. If you want to blame anything look at the root cause of the pandemic and the attempted coverup and delay in reporting it from the Chinese government. But even then, this isnt the first and it wont be the last deadly virus the world has to deal with.

It's not helpful after the fact, no, the deaths have happened but there are shitloads of experts standing up to say that many of the extra deaths are down to the government. We had time to react, we had time to deal with it but we did nothing. We went against what nearly every other country did in the pursuit of herd immunity because Boris/Cummings thought that their gamble would pay off for the economy. As it happens, the deaths have been completely for nothing, because the economy is also ****ed.

You can see a timeline of government failings here, It's just a list of events, with multiple sources cited,

Shitloads of experts = a bunch of people on social media with an agenda, who know **** all about anything, but appeal to people like you who are looking for blame as you have an issue with the government.

Look at the bigger picture and stop trying to pick holes in everything that has happened. I hate the term unprecedented but it really is and mistakes are going to be made. Pretty much all countries have made mistakes. You cant fight nature.

No, not people on social media with an agenda, actual experts.

I'm not trying to pick holes, the holes are there to see, the link I provided shows you the holes. Each claim is sourced and actually happened.

Other countries have made mistakes, we've made more. That's why we've performed so badly. No one in their right mind can say that this has been handled well by the government, and there's no one else to blame - there didn't need to be this many deaths.
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Blaming the government for the death toll is not helpful in any way. This is nature taking its course and its the first time the world has collectively tried to fight nature.

Mistakes have been made but to blame the death of 42000 people on the government is just ridiculous. If you want to blame anything look at the root cause of the pandemic and the attempted coverup and delay in reporting it from the Chinese government. But even then, this isnt the first and it wont be the last deadly virus the world has to deal with.

It's not helpful after the fact, no, the deaths have happened but there are shitloads of experts standing up to say that many of the extra deaths are down to the government. We had time to react, we had time to deal with it but we did nothing. We went against what nearly every other country did in the pursuit of herd immunity because Boris/Cummings thought that their gamble would pay off for the economy. As it happens, the deaths have been completely for nothing, because the economy is also ****ed.

You can see a timeline of government failings here, It's just a list of events, with multiple sources cited,

Shitloads of experts = a bunch of people on social media with an agenda, who know **** all about anything, but appeal to people like you who are looking for blame as you have an issue with the government.

Look at the bigger picture and stop trying to pick holes in everything that has happened. I hate the term unprecedented but it really is and mistakes are going to be made. Pretty much all countries have made mistakes. You cant fight nature.
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Blaming the government for the death toll is not helpful in any way. This is nature taking its course and its the first time the world has collectively tried to fight nature.

Mistakes have been made but to blame the death of 42000 people on the government is just ridiculous. If you want to blame anything look at the root cause of the pandemic and the attempted coverup and delay in reporting it from the Chinese government. But even then, this isnt the first and it wont be the last deadly virus the world has to deal with.

It's not helpful after the fact, no, the deaths have happened but there are shitloads of experts standing up to say that many of the extra deaths are down to the government. We had time to react, we had time to deal with it but we did nothing. We went against what nearly every other country did in the pursuit of herd immunity because Boris/Cummings thought that their gamble would pay off for the economy. As it happens, the deaths have been completely for nothing, because the economy is also ****ed.

You can see a timeline of government failings here, It's just a list of events, with multiple sources cited,

Shitloads of experts = a bunch of people on social media with an agenda, who know **** all about anything, but appeal to people like you who are looking for blame as you have an issue with the government.

Look at the bigger picture and stop trying to pick holes in everything that has happened. I hate the term unprecedented but it really is and mistakes are going to be made. Pretty much all countries have made mistakes. You cant fight nature.

No, not people on social media with an agenda, actual experts.

I'm not trying to pick holes, the holes are there to see, the link I provided shows you the holes. Each claim is sourced and actually happened.

Other countries have made mistakes, we've made more. That's why we've performed so badly. No one in their right mind can say that this has been handled well by the government, and there's no one else to blame - there didn't need to be this many deaths.

Lol actual experts at what? Having an opinion?

You obviously know a lot about how other countries have dealt with the virus so enlighten me - how have we made more mistakes? And I didnt say it had been handled well I just said its not helpful to blame them - what does it achieve?

Theres no one else to blame? Do you not think that the Chinese government have any part to play in this? Forgetting their awful laws which encourage these wet markets, animal cruelty and awful hygiene practices, how helpful was the coverup and delay in reporting of the outbreak. That alone led to more deaths worldwide than any decisions made by individual governements.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Blaming the government for the death toll is not helpful in any way. This is nature taking its course and its the first time the world has collectively tried to fight nature.

Mistakes have been made but to blame the death of 42000 people on the government is just ridiculous. If you want to blame anything look at the root cause of the pandemic and the attempted coverup and delay in reporting it from the Chinese government. But even then, this isnt the first and it wont be the last deadly virus the world has to deal with.

It's not helpful after the fact, no, the deaths have happened but there are shitloads of experts standing up to say that many of the extra deaths are down to the government. We had time to react, we had time to deal with it but we did nothing. We went against what nearly every other country did in the pursuit of herd immunity because Boris/Cummings thought that their gamble would pay off for the economy. As it happens, the deaths have been completely for nothing, because the economy is also ****ed.

You can see a timeline of government failings here, It's just a list of events, with multiple sources cited,

Shitloads of experts = a bunch of people on social media with an agenda, who know **** all about anything, but appeal to people like you who are looking for blame as you have an issue with the government.

Look at the bigger picture and stop trying to pick holes in everything that has happened. I hate the term unprecedented but it really is and mistakes are going to be made. Pretty much all countries have made mistakes. You cant fight nature.

I dunno if you know you've posted the same thing twice but in the interests of keeping the converation going, here's a bump. (My reply above)

Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Blaming the government for the death toll is not helpful in any way. This is nature taking its course and its the first time the world has collectively tried to fight nature.

Mistakes have been made but to blame the death of 42000 people on the government is just ridiculous. If you want to blame anything look at the root cause of the pandemic and the attempted coverup and delay in reporting it from the Chinese government. But even then, this isnt the first and it wont be the last deadly virus the world has to deal with.

It's not helpful after the fact, no, the deaths have happened but there are shitloads of experts standing up to say that many of the extra deaths are down to the government. We had time to react, we had time to deal with it but we did nothing. We went against what nearly every other country did in the pursuit of herd immunity because Boris/Cummings thought that their gamble would pay off for the economy. As it happens, the deaths have been completely for nothing, because the economy is also ****ed.

You can see a timeline of government failings here, It's just a list of events, with multiple sources cited,

Shitloads of experts = a bunch of people on social media with an agenda, who know **** all about anything, but appeal to people like you who are looking for blame as you have an issue with the government.

Look at the bigger picture and stop trying to pick holes in everything that has happened. I hate the term unprecedented but it really is and mistakes are going to be made. Pretty much all countries have made mistakes. You cant fight nature.

No, not people on social media with an agenda, actual experts.

I'm not trying to pick holes, the holes are there to see, the link I provided shows you the holes. Each claim is sourced and actually happened.

Other countries have made mistakes, we've made more. That's why we've performed so badly. No one in their right mind can say that this has been handled well by the government, and there's no one else to blame - there didn't need to be this many deaths.

Lol actual experts at what? Having an opinion?

You obviously know a lot about how other countries have dealt with the virus so enlighten me - how have we made more mistakes? And I didnt say it had been handled well I just said its not helpful to blame them - what does it achieve?

Theres no one else to blame? Do you not think that the Chinese government have any part to play in this? Forgetting their awful laws which encourage these wet markets, animal cruelty and awful hygiene practices, how helpful was the coverup and delay in reporting of the outbreak. That alone led to more deaths worldwide than any decisions made by individual governements.

Experts at statistical modelling, science, shit like that, you know, the stuff people on social media generally don't know about.

I have given you a timeline of events that shows all the mistakes and makes reference to other countries. Look at it, it's basically everything I'm talking about.

You can blame the Chinese government, but all countries had the same info, we're handling it either the worst, or close to worst. Honestly, just read the timeline. There was every opportunity to do more to combat this, but we didn't, we delayed and delayed.

arpz Also, I actually do think it's useful to be looking at these mistakes and trying to hold the government to account now - we're still at a stage where differences can be made
The drunken scotsman We are coming from different viewpoints. There is no point in going round in circles. I am looking at the bigger picture whereas you just want to pin the blame on the U.K. government for past mistakes, pointing to ?experts? and ?look at what other countries did?.

None of this helps. Lockdown itself is killing people and the focus should be on how we emerge from this as strongly as possible. Holding government to account is not achieving anything, it is better if people and politicians are pulling together in the same direction rather than arguing about what happened in the past.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
We are coming from different viewpoints. There is no point in going round in circles. I am looking at the bigger picture whereas you just want to pin the blame on the U.K. government for past mistakes, pointing to ?experts? and ?look at what other countries did?.

None of this helps. Lockdown itself is killing people and the focus should be on how we emerge from this as strongly as possible. Holding government to account is not achieving anything, it is better if people and politicians are pulling together in the same direction rather than arguing about what happened in the past.

As long as that direction is the one set by Boris & Cummings, right?

The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
We are coming from different viewpoints. There is no point in going round in circles. I am looking at the bigger picture whereas you just want to pin the blame on the U.K. government for past mistakes, pointing to ?experts? and ?look at what other countries did?.

None of this helps. Lockdown itself is killing people and the focus should be on how we emerge from this as strongly as possible. Holding government to account is not achieving anything, it is better if people and politicians are pulling together in the same direction rather than arguing about what happened in the past.

As long as that direction is the one set by Boris & Cummings, right?

Yeah because thats who is in charge. You and all of the other compassionate people in the UK couldnt vote in another government so were stuck with Boris and co for the next 4 and a half years at least.

This is all getting a bit boring anyway. Ive said my bit and you have said yours. Doubt you would be saying it if, in a parallel universe, labour had been voted in last December though, whereas my viewpoint would be the same regardless.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
We are coming from different viewpoints. There is no point in going round in circles. I am looking at the bigger picture whereas you just want to pin the blame on the U.K. government for past mistakes, pointing to ?experts? and ?look at what other countries did?.

None of this helps. Lockdown itself is killing people and the focus should be on how we emerge from this as strongly as possible. Holding government to account is not achieving anything, it is better if people and politicians are pulling together in the same direction rather than arguing about what happened in the past.

As long as that direction is the one set by Boris & Cummings, right?

Yeah because thats who is in charge. You and all of the other compassionate people in the UK couldnt vote in another government so were stuck with Boris and co for the next 4 and a half years at least.

This is all getting a bit boring anyway. Ive said my bit and you have said yours. Doubt you would be saying it if, in a parallel universe, labour had been voted in last December though, whereas my viewpoint would be the same regardless.

So you think we vote for a dictatorship then? Oh right.

If labour had been voted in, I might be saying it, I might not be, it would really depend on whether or not they were causing shitloads of deaths wouldn't it? We'll never know, it's hard to imagine anyone making a worse job of it than we've got now, though

The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
We are coming from different viewpoints. There is no point in going round in circles. I am looking at the bigger picture whereas you just want to pin the blame on the U.K. government for past mistakes, pointing to ?experts? and ?look at what other countries did?.

None of this helps. Lockdown itself is killing people and the focus should be on how we emerge from this as strongly as possible. Holding government to account is not achieving anything, it is better if people and politicians are pulling together in the same direction rather than arguing about what happened in the past.

As long as that direction is the one set by Boris & Cummings, right?

Yeah because thats who is in charge. You and all of the other compassionate people in the UK couldnt vote in another government so were stuck with Boris and co for the next 4 and a half years at least.

This is all getting a bit boring anyway. Ive said my bit and you have said yours. Doubt you would be saying it if, in a parallel universe, labour had been voted in last December though, whereas my viewpoint would be the same regardless.

So you think we vote for a dictatorship then? Oh right.

If labour had been voted in, I might be saying it, I might not be, it would really depend on whether or not they were causing shitloads of deaths wouldn't it? We'll never know, it's hard to imagine anyone making a worse job of it than we've got now, though

😂 pathetic
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:

😂 pathetic

You just summed up the Boris bashing left in one go!
LeVzi Arpz you truly are just like the sheeple that vote labour, you all sound the same, same arguments, same rhetoric. Refute your brexit claims, you've made none. Where is the damaging impact of Brexit ? There is none. We are negotiating the trade deals, and we are getting annoucements from Number 10 , most recent I saw was a free trade deal with Australia. Which we couldnt have done in the EU.

America next, trade deal will happen with the EU, because business IN the EU will never be told to ignore the UK. We are too valuable.

Oh no !!! NOT AMERICA !!! All the left wing rubbish about dealing with america, lower standards LMFAO never heard such rubbish.

Ive had this discussion so many times, there is no winning with a brainwashed lefty. They are just pathetic individuals who are on the brink of communism and think its a good idea !!!!!!!!!

@MusicILove I apologise if you were offended by the use of the R word, I do use it too flippantly and I won't again.
youngson Boris is a fud.

Originally posted by LeVzi:
Arpz you truly are just like the sheeple that vote labour, you all sound the same, same arguments, same rhetoric. Refute your brexit claims, you've made none. Where is the damaging impact of Brexit ? There is none. We are negotiating the trade deals, and we are getting annoucements from Number 10 , most recent I saw was a free trade deal with Australia. Which we couldnt have done in the EU.

America next, trade deal will happen with the EU, because business IN the EU will never be told to ignore the UK. We are too valuable.

Oh no !!! NOT AMERICA !!! All the left wing rubbish about dealing with america, lower standards LMFAO never heard such rubbish.

Ive had this discussion so many times, there is no winning with a brainwashed lefty. They are just pathetic individuals who are on the brink of communism and think its a good idea !!!!!!!!!

@MusicILove I apologise if you were offended by the use of the R word, I do use it too flippantly and I won't again.

The arguments are going to be the same because the problems are the same. The best thing Boris could come up with about the Austrlian trade deal is us swapping Penguins and ****ing Tim Tams.

It's not rubbish, American food standards are trash compared to ours, is it really good that we should take chlorinated chicken? No, it's not the chlorine that's the problem, it's the fact that the standards are so low that it's even required. "Don't buy it then" I hear you cry. But no, the US wants to ban the labelling to let people make informed choices about it. We were lied to about that, by the way, they said 'No way is that gonna happen'. Total bollocks.

There's no winning with me, no, you haven't raised any valid points, you've just used a bunch of ad-hom attacks.

I'm not going to bother with any more of it though. You've had chances to actually give some tangible benefits of brexit (if they actually exist) but haven't done it so far. I'll leave you to it.
Originally posted by arpz:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Arpz you truly are just like the sheeple that vote labour, you all sound the same, same arguments, same rhetoric. Refute your brexit claims, you've made none. Where is the damaging impact of Brexit ? There is none. We are negotiating the trade deals, and we are getting annoucements from Number 10 , most recent I saw was a free trade deal with Australia. Which we couldnt have done in the EU.

America next, trade deal will happen with the EU, because business IN the EU will never be told to ignore the UK. We are too valuable.

Oh no !!! NOT AMERICA !!! All the left wing rubbish about dealing with america, lower standards LMFAO never heard such rubbish.

Ive had this discussion so many times, there is no winning with a brainwashed lefty. They are just pathetic individuals who are on the brink of communism and think its a good idea !!!!!!!!!

@MusicILove I apologise if you were offended by the use of the R word, I do use it too flippantly and I won't again.

The arguments are going to be the same because the problems are the same. The best thing Boris could come up with about the Austrlian trade deal is us swapping Penguins and ****ing Tim Tams.

It's not rubbish, American food standards are trash compared to ours, is it really good that we should take chlorinated chicken? No, it's not the chlorine that's the problem, it's the fact that the standards are so low that it's even required. "Don't buy it then" I hear you cry. But no, the US wants to ban the labelling to let people make informed choices about it. We were lied to about that, by the way, they said 'No way is that gonna happen'. Total bollocks.

There's no winning with me, no, you haven't raised any valid points, you've just used a bunch of ad-hom attacks.

I'm not going to bother with any more of it though. You've had chances to actually give some tangible benefits of brexit (if they actually exist) but haven't done it so far. I'll leave you to it.

LOL says the brainwashed lefty idiotically quoting the left wing media without any proof. So you can critise me all you want but in terms of actual proof ? You've got NOTHING to back up YOUR claims.

Pot kettle little lefty ?

And I did give benefits of brexit, trade deals and you just ran with the Tim Tams like it was the major part of the deal LOL

Zero proof, lefty tears at brexit and yeah, I am done with you as well, you are a perfect example of the problem in the UK right now is the left wing rhetoric, which I talk about a lot, being tunnel vision "Their way" and no other. It's been obvious of their empty ideas since 2016 when all their claims about Brexit fell apart. That's how spoilt children react when they don't get what they want. They never thought we'd leave the EU, and now they just bleet like the sheep they are.

I pray I never meet you at a rave, you'd kill the mood of the entire event. Jesus wept.
Samination You keep calling him lefty, while you keep providing to his point that you don't post any proof yourself.
MusicILove I will leave this here. Try and ignore the American political crap. It?s the best explanation I can find.

Although I do not have a mental condition like that it?s still an offensive term to label every disabled person with that word or to say it towards someone you want to insult or put down. Same goes for spastic. Which I have seen thrown around on here too. They are / were medical terms and should not be used by people to insult as if the people with the conditions are something to be made fun of or they are somehow bad people.

I won?t lie I used to use the term we all most likely did. It came from a lack of understanding of what it meant. To me it was just an insult with no real explanation.

Anyways can we all stop arguing and get to the real problem with the world and that?s this 160BPM rubbish.
Originally posted by LeVzi:

LOL says the brainwashed lefty idiotically quoting the left wing media without any proof.

youngson I did reply, but I don't want to be drawn into bull**** politics that people don't understand.
Originally posted by Samination:
You keep calling him lefty, while you keep providing to his point that you don't post any proof yourself.

Proof of what ? Brexit ?

Yes I did, which he tried to dismiss about "tim tams" which was a joke by Boris, but we are starting to make trade deals outside of the EU, and soon we'll have a trade deal IN the EU, so that is better for a start.

Immigration has been changed and we will stop accepting everyone and his dog here in the UK, as one thing this virus has shown we are too populated and too over crowded here.

No more laws from the EU, thank GOD !!! Fishing rights are removed from EU boats, we just need to enforce that, because fish stocks are so bad now, we need to protect them.

I'm sure he'll come back with reasons why this is bad, but then would you expect anything more from someone on the opposite side ?

The left are a real problem now, all over the world, thankfully people are waking up to them. I never had political views up until about 4 years ago, when I copped a sh!t ton of abuse from the left for voting and supporting leaving the EU. Being screamed in my face that I am a racist just cos I voted leave. And now they have used BLM as a means for their own agenda. It's pathetic, and they are pathetic too. We need to remove the lefties in teaching positions and universities preaching to students, and get more balanced people in those positions. People who can keep their mouths shut about politics when doing their jobs.
Originally posted by youngson:
Originally posted by LeVzi:

LOL says the brainwashed lefty idiotically quoting the left wing media without any proof.

That is hardly accurate if that is a graph showing how many negative stories are about political parties . How on earth are the tories getting positive press ????
Samination Because most of the biggest publications in the UK are run by Rubert Murddock maybe?
youngson Samination is correct. If you can't take the Loughborough University as a valid source for information I can't reason with you.

Impulse_Response Here in the US we grapple with this same disease of people blaming the government every time something happens and saying "everything would be ok if only the government had done more." We shut down travel from China while the WHO was saying it wasn't necessary, and we were called racist for it! There may be particular failings, such as not having sufficient stocks of medical supplies, but I don't buy the argument that government is so special that it could have stopped this from spreading. There's also more to it than shutting everything down and stealing people's income away every time a new disease appears.

I expect better arguments than hindsight and "look how many deaths there are now" for people to start assigning blame. China and WHO deserve the blame, especially with the WHO praising China months back even while they knew China was providing inaccurate information. What the hell were we giving them $400 million a year for?

As long as we're talking about experts, let's consider the open letter written in the US about the BLM protests. These medical experts said it was ok for people to go protest, even if it spreads the coronavirus, becuase this cause is just that important. But only if it's for BLM! You aren't allowed to go out for anything else or you're a selfish, racist while nationalist!

I personally don't think the virus cares about social agendas, political biases, lockdowns, or any of that stuff. It just wants to spread.
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by Impulse_Response:
Here in the US we grapple with this same disease of people blaming the government every time something happens and saying "everything would be ok if only the government had done more." We shut down travel from China while the WHO was saying it wasn't necessary, and we were called racist for it! There may be particular failings, such as not having sufficient stocks of medical supplies, but I don't buy the argument that government is so special that it could have stopped this from spreading. There's also more to it than shutting everything down and stealing people's income away every time a new disease appears.

I expect better arguments than hindsight and "look how many deaths there are now" for people to start assigning blame. China and WHO deserve the blame, especially with the WHO praising China months back even while they knew China was providing inaccurate information. What the hell were we giving them $400 million a year for?

As long as we're talking about experts, let's consider the open letter written in the US about the BLM protests. These medical experts said it was ok for people to go protest, even if it spreads the coronavirus, becuase this cause is just that important. But only if it's for BLM! You aren't allowed to go out for anything else or you're a selfish, racist while nationalist!

I personally don't think the virus cares about social agendas, political biases, lockdowns, or any of that stuff. It just wants to spread.

Hear ****ing hear. Good to see a reasonable post along these lines.

Far too many people just looking for blame which is understandable to a degree, weve been locked down for long enough now with some awful times ahead as we hopefully start to recover from the effects of coronavirus.

But its not helpful to just blame everything on the government in whatever country you are from. There are too many biased agendas which cloud peoples judgement and ability to look at the bigger picture.

To give another example, I am from Scotland and, while we are still part of the U.K, we have our own government who have the power to make decisions on the lockdown here in Scotland. I hear so many people, including some on this forum, saying we should have gone into lockdown earlier in the U.K. However, in Scotland, where the vast majority of left wing voters want independence, they are saying the same but blaming it on the U.K. government instead of their beloved First Minister and leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party, Nicola Sturgeon. So blinded by their hatred of the conservative government to acknowledge that Sturgeon agreed with the timing of the UK government lockdown, otherwise she would have done it earlier up here.

This is why I have to laugh at the likes of Arpz on this thread who tries to claim hed be making the same fuss if we had a labour government in charge and that its hard to imagine anyone else making such a mess of things. The truth of the matter is that this is just such a difficult problem to deal with and every single country has made mistakes. None more so than the Chinese and WHO as you mentioned, but hey, they didnt have anything to do with brexit so thats ok.
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by youngson:
Samination is correct. If you can't take the Loughborough University as a valid source for information I can't reason with you.

Posting a bar chart with a Loughborough university badge on it doesnt mean its a valid source. Universities and students generally are notoriously left wing. Where is the evidence for these results? Who decided what is a negative story and what is a positive story for whatever party? What was their criteria for deciding this? What were the actual stories?

I call ********.
arpz Laugh away, I provided a fully sourced list of failings (that you probably didn't bother to look at)

It's not even with the benefit of hindsight, we knew about all of this stuff, regardless of WHO/China delays.

I'll drop the link again, just in case

The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by arpz:
Laugh away, I provided a fully sourced list of failings (that you probably didn't bother to look at)

It's not even with the benefit of hindsight, we knew about all of this stuff, regardless of WHO/China delays.

I'll drop the link again, just in case

Its not worth looking at your timeline which you pin everything on. We are arguing completely different points. You are foaming at the mouth about the U.K. government, completely blind to the bigger picture. Its pathetic and I will continue to laugh at your hypocrisy and delusion as will anyone who is not desperate to pin blame on the government for an act of nature.
arpz I'm the blind one, yet you're the one refusing to look at the information.


I'm out, again.
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by arpz:
I'm the blind one, yet you're the one refusing to look at the information.


I'm out, again.

Yes. I am refusing to look at the shite link you post which is all about blaming the U.K. government for deaths related to a virus on a scale the world has not seen in modern times.

This virus isnt going anywhere and people will not go into lockdown again, there will be more deaths. Its sad but we need to get on with it or there will be more deaths caused by the effects of lockdown rather than the virus itself.

And you?re out again? 😂 Ive actually had to drop out more than once because of the ridiculous points you try to make. The first one was about children not being racist then you changed it to toddlers which actually made me feel sorry for you as I really could have slaughtered you on that one. The second time I dropped out was when you showed your true colours about the government. Incredible levels of delusion.

Im out, again. (For the third and final time).
Originally posted by youngson:
Samination is correct. If you can't take the Loughborough University as a valid source for information I can't reason with you.

Yeah because a left wing institution cannot fabricate anything.

Do me a favour. You ever been to loughborough ? I was there last year at an open day, and saw the typical state of universities in general. Brainwashed lefties everywhere. This is something that needs addressing. Teachers in 2ndary school and 6th form then uni lecturers need to be less biased and stop pushing their own beliefs on the students. I've heard a lot from my step son about his teachers constantly Boris bashing, and pushing the left wing agenda. It's fking disgusting. THe left have no morals, no sense of decency and use youngsters to push their message.
Samination So you're old enough to have sucked on Thatcher's teats then?
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by youngson:
Samination is correct. If you can't take the Loughborough University as a valid source for information I can't reason with you.

Yeah because a left wing institution cannot fabricate anything.

Do me a favour. You ever been to loughborough ? I was there last year at an open day, and saw the typical state of universities in general. Brainwashed lefties everywhere. This is something that needs addressing. Teachers in 2ndary school and 6th form then uni lecturers need to be less biased and stop pushing their own beliefs on the students. I've heard a lot from my step son about his teachers constantly Boris bashing, and pushing the left wing agenda. It's fking disgusting. THe left have no morals, no sense of decency and use youngsters to push their message.

The two Universities in Bournemouth gained a slight left wing slant in 2017. I should know as I worked with students who registered to vote for Labour for one reason and one reason only. Corbyn had promised to wipe their debts and activists had been relaying information to them.

I know this because they actually told me. Being a decade older than them I was seen as a 'boomer' because I was 'out of touch' but they would have not even started secondary school; when Blair was in power. I find not many people born in the 80s to perhaps early 90s are large scale Labour supporters. It seems to be the late 90s onwards where Labour tried to push their way in.
Originally posted by Samination:
So you're old enough to have sucked on Thatcher's teats then?

You ain't even fking British, what's it gotta do with you ?
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by youngson:
Samination is correct. If you can't take the Loughborough University as a valid source for information I can't reason with you.

Yeah because a left wing institution cannot fabricate anything.

Do me a favour. You ever been to loughborough ? I was there last year at an open day, and saw the typical state of universities in general. Brainwashed lefties everywhere. This is something that needs addressing. Teachers in 2ndary school and 6th form then uni lecturers need to be less biased and stop pushing their own beliefs on the students. I've heard a lot from my step son about his teachers constantly Boris bashing, and pushing the left wing agenda. It's fking disgusting. THe left have no morals, no sense of decency and use youngsters to push their message.

The two Universities in Bournemouth gained a slight left wing slant in 2017. I should know as I worked with students who registered to vote for Labour for one reason and one reason only. Corbyn had promised to wipe their debts and activists had been relaying information to them.

I know this because they actually told me. Being a decade older than them I was seen as a 'boomer' because I was 'out of touch' but they would have not even started secondary school; when Blair was in power. I find not many people born in the 80s to perhaps early 90s are large scale Labour supporters. It seems to be the late 90s onwards where Labour tried to push their way in.

Boomer, LOL, I love that retort to snowflake. Or Gammon. Makes me laugh.

Yeah I remember them saying they'd wipe the student loans. They all jumped on that all right.

But if they did that, taxpayers would be paying for UK and Foreign students to study. I don't think student loans should accrue interest, and no foreign students apart from those on a scholarship should get student finance from the UK, should come from their own government.

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