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 Events: North America

RAWR: The Flintstones Attend a Rave (3 attended)

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United States
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RaveHarder has attended 3 events
Posted - 2009/09/01 :  18:51:01  Show profile Send a private message
[3 members attended this event.]
Event name: RAWR: The Flintstones Attend a Rave
Starts: October 9th, 2009
Country: United States

Yabadabadoo! Rochester's premier raving crew storms back onto the scene with another slammin' hardcore event and YOU are invited! On Friday, October 9th, step back in time once more and Rave Harder with the people that revitalized Rochester's hardcore community with events like Rave Culture, Fractal Frenzy, and Rave Cornucopia! Join the Rave Harder crew, the Rochester rave community, and the First Family of Prehistoric TV at RAWR: The Flintstones Attend a Rave!

Rave Harder is pulling out all the stops to bring you an event featuring one of the most legendary hardcore lineups EVER to hit upstate New York, including:

Hard Quarry:
Luna-C [UK] - KFA,
No Left Turn [San Francisco] - K12 Studios
Saiyan [Toronto] - Canadian Hardcore Colletive, Krafty Radio,
Joe Rowe [Ottawa] - QBH Records, DFF,
Flyin' Brian [NYC] - DreamHard,
Bliss [Rochester] - Just 4 You, Bitchass Productions, Nocturnal Commissions
Chucks & Boxygen [Buffalo] - Braincell, Bitchass Productions

Rubble Room:
Maximum Moves: Dip Vertigo & MC J-Tec [LA] - Bass Dynasty, Timeless, Panic 39, Grapevines
Bexxie [New Jersey] - Dysfunktional Audio, KFA
Crash Override [Ottawa] - 1 Upped, Project D
DJ Kix [Rochester] - Just 4 You, Nocturnal Commissions, Bitchass
Unrestricted Agent [Buffalo] -, Bitchass

MC Jumper [Rochester] - Ravers Only, Hullabaloo
MC Pez [Buffalo] - Bitchass, Rave Harder

VJ Tachyon [NYC] - Ravers Only, Rave Harder

This event is a full-on rave environment, which means you can expect:
Fresh fruit and candy giveaways!
Kandie-making and beading area!
Mind blowing decor!
Rave Harder booth for all your raving needs!
World-class music from hardcore legends around the globe!
Amazing vibes and friendly people!

Tickets are just 20$ presale, available at or Aaron's Alley (662 Monroe Ave) Rochester, NY 14607. Door price is 25$ - buy your tickets early to save money and ensure your access in the event of a sell out crowd!

This event will take place at Tilt Night Club - 444 Central Ave, Rochester, NY 14604.

This event is open to all ravers age 17 and older. There are several licensed areas for the 21 and older crowd. Don't forget to order your drink on the rocks!

Questions? or call the infoline at: (585) 563-4387

PLUR and RAWR.... er, ROAR in full effect!

Don't be a Trainasaurus Wrecks - mark the date and get ready to RAVE HARDER!

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Brian K
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Posted - 2009/09/01 :  23:21:28  Show profile  Send a private message
aww poor bexxie has to play in the second room

nice line up though!

"we'll delete the weak"

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RaveHarder has attended 3 events
Posted - 2009/09/03 :  00:11:49  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit RaveHarder's homepage
Don't think of it as the second room but of the drum n bass room ;)

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Flyin Brian
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Posted - 2009/09/27 :  19:15:17  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Flyin Brian's homepage
Woot! Getting closer!!

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