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Design flow, appearance of service

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United States
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Joined: Oct, 2003
Posted - 2003/10/24 :  02:24:07  Show profile Send a private message  Visit xananthium's homepage
Your site, while offering many valuable and community oriented services, lacks clear representation of it's capabilities. When I ended up in the forum, unable to view any posts because I wasn't logged in, it gave me an option for lost password and told new users to register without providing clear oppurtunity or directions as to where to do so. There should be a way to register provided clearly on the front page and any page that has the option to log in. The main page also lacks proper ambience of ones individual relationship to this world of forums and music trading. It is interesting to me that you have a my page but that the site is not oriented in such a way that the main page would provide some of this information and would be "my page." It would be much more general, it might list responses to forum topics they posted, or inform them of forums they are watching, or of music they are looking for. What is now my page would then become a page specific to handling the music listing and trading section. This way, when people come to your site, such fields exist but provide a brief informal statement of the service and provide a way to register. I think that this would increase community participation and create clearer usage semantics to your website whether you have been involved in it for 4 years or just stumbled upon it looking for a good online radio station. Also, why the silly forum question about usage--can't you track such things?

I hope this is helpful, if you have any q's I'm sure you could email me.



"The fire does not resent the match, it merely burns."

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Posted - 2003/10/24 :  04:08:19  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
Thanks for the post, you must work in a web development house or have too much time on your hands :)

You might want to break your topic up into points and not an entire sentence it's hard to read.

The top page is a general page, the my page contains your profile information and and all the info you need - look at the blue navi bar it changes on the my area page to offer all the things you said.

What is the "silly forum question about usage" no idea what your talking about sorry.

it's all hardcore.

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