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 Music discussion - hardcore

Darren Styles & Paul Elstak. Defqon Sets 2022

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Posted - 2023/01/10 :  07:03:08  Show profile Send a private message
Both played at Deqon Netherlands 2022. Curious who's dj set you prefer as Hardcore fans?

Let's ditch the candy & go back to the gym & streetwear at raves :)

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Edited by - rafferty on 2023/01/10 07:31:09
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Posted - 2023/01/10 :  10:04:36  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Samination's homepage
Was Darrens set even hardcore, except for the last few tracks? Also, gotta love how he acts like he made You're My Angel, when he only took a pre-existing song and made it more popular.

Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber

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Posted - 2023/01/10 :  20:10:37  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit rafferty's homepage
Originally posted by Samination:
Was Darrens set even hardcore, except for the last few tracks? Also, gotta love how he acts like he made You're My Angel, when he only took a pre-existing song and made it more popular.

Really, I never knew he ripped off that track. Yeah a lot of it sounds like reverse bass, not hardcore.

Let's ditch the candy & go back to the gym & streetwear at raves :)

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Posted - 2023/01/19 :  17:46:54  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Smoogie's homepage
Had a quick scan through. Darren Styles had some okish tracks but not quite as fast as Hardcore. At least he avoided a full on cheese set.

Paul Elstak's was more energetic although I could not listen to a full set of 'modern Gabber' at least he is closer to his routes and open to some more uplifting elements here and there.

Good to see a lot of varied ages in the crowd. I can imagine a few Old Skool heads out there as well. Was a bit taken aback by the guy with the breasts though. Just modern era I guess!


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Posted - 2023/02/17 :  20:19:05  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit wong's homepage
quite enjoyed both tbh

intensify the treatment

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Posted - 2023/02/25 :  02:42:50  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit rafferty's homepage
I prefer Paul Elstaks, has more energy, harder kicks and more variety.

Is funny I hated Gabber when it all went slow in the 2000s with all that Gabber House Shite..Would put me to sleep... I'd normally go to another room when Scott Brown played it at the end of his sets in the mid 2000s. Now it's kind of upped the tempo again and is actually good to listen too like it was in the 90s.

Let's ditch the candy & go back to the gym & streetwear at raves :)

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Edited by - rafferty on 2023/02/25 02:47:24

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Posted - 2023/03/01 :  04:36:40  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
Both seemed quite good :)

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