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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2001/12/13 :  06:24:59  Show profile Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage
did anyone visit that site?

i did and i must say the partypics there are interesting.

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MC RizlaDizla
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Posted - 2001/12/13 :  07:53:19  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit MC RizlaDizla's homepage
I dont think candy kids will ever catch on here.

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc."

Oh my goodness, Oh my gosh!!!

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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2001/12/13 :  07:55:11  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage
tere were a few what can remeber

You can't see me,because i am the future.

You can't see me,because i am the future.

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Posted - 2001/12/13 :  09:07:26  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Tyrant's homepage
mc rizladizla : what about the gatecrasher cyberkidz? variations on a theme, i think... no?

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MC RizlaDizla
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Posted - 2001/12/14 :  03:52:02  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit MC RizlaDizla's homepage
yeah your right there m8. I was just talking about candy kids in hardcore raves though.

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc."

Oh my goodness, Oh my gosh!!!

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TrAiNwRecK tImMiE
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Posted - 2001/12/14 :  17:49:37  Show profile  Send a private message
candy kids are all but gone in the socal area



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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2001/12/18 :  06:36:44  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage
Originally posted by TrAiNwRecK tImMiE:

candy kids are all but gone in the socal area

they never appeared in our country
maybe a few in that kind of clothes and so
the listen to the kelly family.

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You can't see me,because i am the future.

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Posted - 2001/12/18 :  07:50:52  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Heist's homepage
They go to system6 and actually care what people look like when they dance (Thats not the good respect ppl's space that im on about its the pretentious tosser kind of care about how ppl look when they dance)

Not all of them are nobheads, most are friendly infact.



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Posted - 2001/12/19 :  19:58:01  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit psychichigh's homepage
I have to admit
I am a kandi-kid, but I'm proud of who I am
I'm friendly to almost everyone, I don't take E (suprisingly, eh?), I don't care how ppl look on the dance floor cuz no matter how you dance, your still gettin into the beat
But there's another thing I have to admit...
I never knew was a site, but I never knew this was till I was bored on the net and typed it into my IE to see if it would really work

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

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Posted - 2001/12/19 :  20:03:37  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit psychichigh's homepage
One of the pics reminded me something...

Where is my hoberman sphere....
I had one but I think I lost it

I just hung off my backpack cuz it was a cute little one and it was something to do in school was I was bored

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2001/12/20 :  04:07:52  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage
Originally posted by psychichigh:

I have to admit
I am a kandi-kid, but I'm proud of who I am
I'm friendly to almost everyone, I don't take E (suprisingly, eh?), I don't care how ppl look on the dance floor cuz no matter how you dance, your still gettin into the beat
But there's another thing I have to admit...
I never knew was a site, but I never knew this was till I was bored on the net and typed it into my IE to see if it would really work

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

ofcourse its real thats the reason that i opened the topic.

You can't see me,because i am the future.

You can't see me,because i am the future.

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Posted - 2002/01/08 :  11:45:54  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit nopezforu's homepage
yeah, there is a shortage of kandy that's super w/ me :) it's pretty shallow and silly, but if it DID start to catch on, mainstream, i'd probably change.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! ^_^

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Posted - 2002/01/08 :  13:50:03  Show profile  Send a private message
UD change u mean ud become a kandi kid? The kandi kids look liek teh way punx dres sove rher ebrite necklaces and animals n stuf fliek zippy from rainbow starnge how a culture can start but change rapidly fru diff muziks..From that band pathwinder mentioned to PUnk?!

Ant B

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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2002/01/08 :  22:32:49  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage
the kelly family punk ha ha i dont think so

You can't see me,because i am the future.

You can't see me,because i am the future.

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