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Posted - 2001/12/20 :  15:35:58  Show profile Send a private message
ok, i bought SUBBASE 15 today - Smart e's - Loo's Control. i'm quite confused - cos label on vinyl says SUBBASE 15 as well - but tracks don't match up. little sticker on front says includes 2 bad mice remix - it doesn't say this on track listing on back of sleeve, but does have it on vinyl. and at bottom of front says features joey beltram remix of sesame's treet. it also says this on vinyl label, but doesn't actually ocntain it at all. so on the back sleeve it says A - Loo's Control B1 - Loo's Control (inst.) B2 Sesame's Treet (Joey Beltram Remix). on vinyl it says - A1. Loo's Control A2. - Loo's Control - (2 bad mice remix) B1 Loo's Cotrol (inst) B2. Sesame's Treet (Joey Beltram remix), and vinyl doesn't actually contain B2. bit dissapointed, but was wondering what the score was??? were a lot of these records released accidentally???? or am i one of the few lucky ones. hope you can get back to me on this. Simon.

You look like you're in another world, but i can read your mind. 4 o'clock in the morning, and it's starting to get light.

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Nick of Blaze!
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Posted - 2001/12/22 :  12:47:39  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Nick of Blaze!'s homepage
Oh mate, that was a cock up of a release in the first degree...

there was the wrong release date given to the press, then the wrong date on the artwork, and the wrong date on all the promo posters.

I'll dig out my copy and check it out, I'll have to find it so bear with me.

I know the Beltram mix was on the USA release of Sesame Street...

Let me check it out, and I'll get back to ya....



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Nick of Blaze!
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Posted - 2001/12/22 :  14:37:14  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Nick of Blaze!'s homepage

that is sooooooooooooooooooo funny.

I've yet to talk to Luna C, but I spoke to Tom and he never noticed it either!

You're quite right. There is no Joey Beltram mix on there, even though it says in big f*ck off letters on the sleeve, TWICE!

The two bad mice mix is on there tho....

Anyhoo, cheers for pointing that out, I'd never noticed it and that's the truth!

If you want the Joey Beltram mix, I know it's on the US release of sesame's Treet, ask around.

Loo's control was a great track, but absolutely doomed from the start. They wanted us to do stupid things in the promo video, the release dates...oh dear!

Cheers tho, you made me laff tonight!


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