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Online Mixes??

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Oli G
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Posted - 2002/01/12 :  00:21:02  Show profile View artist profile Send a private message
Ok i need to ask a question not start a blazing argument :D

On my website (linked ^ there) i have a series of mixes (not all online) these are in MP3 & Real audio format. They are done by me and at the moment theres only one tiny hardcore one and about 8 Hardhouse mixes on there.. i use these as my "online demos" i have been booked in Denmark and i was meant to be booked in portland, oregon (but the dicks threw me out at last minuite).

I have also posted these links to Djs/Producers... i didnt receive much response other than "we will listen to them when we get time", but i never once (even tho there tracks were contained in the mix) got told to remove them from my webserver immidiatly im breaking the law....

Technicaly hosting these mp3s online is illigal i guess... but how right yould you (silver) or anyone else say is this?


\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_

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Posted - 2002/01/12 :  06:40:37  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit milo's homepage
unles the server you're using bans hosting those file types, i don't believe using the songs as demos is a problem. As long as you aren't making any money directly off them in any form or taking credit for them, then I don't think it's illegal, if i'm understanding your question correctly.

"It's all good..."

__________________________________ American Hardcore Movement/Totally Sweet Radio/Hardcore Street Team

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Oli G
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Posted - 2002/01/12 :  07:28:38  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Oli G's homepage
Yeah you understood me, my isp's cool, i make no profit and i take no credit for the indiviual tunes either

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_

Hardcore Underground 4 - Released October 19th

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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2002/01/12 :  08:39:49  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage
there are many dj that are putting mixes online and i dont think that they will pay for the rights.

wich artist wanted that you removed the files?

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Oli G
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Posted - 2002/01/12 :  09:12:22  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Oli G's homepage
None asked me to remove the files.. i was just wondering and wanted to see if i could get any ideas on ppls view of it

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_

Hardcore Underground 4 - Released October 19th

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Posted - 2002/01/12 :  10:16:59  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit aznwasian's homepage
you make something up just to hear what people say... hahaha

I do that to. I call it a derehtorical antistatement.

I think it's okay to post the Mp3s as long as there originally mixed and are not just Mp3 files of the straight song.

-I can't stop raving...


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Edited by - aznwasian on 2002/01/12 10:18:15
Oli G
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Posted - 2002/01/12 :  17:10:19  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Oli G's homepage
Originally posted by aznwasian:

I do that to. I call it a derehtorical antistatement.

i call it a question \o/

nah there all mixed... go download some
(dont try the hardcore mix it was ages ago.. and its very lame)

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_

Hardcore Underground 4 - Released October 19th

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DJ Mouse
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Posted - 2002/01/13 :  04:24:33  Show profile  Send a private message
i don't think mixes in mp3 format streaming through the net is illegal IF it's non profit. you don't make any profit from it,and if it is illegal then that must also mean that the dj competition silver held is illegal too because it's basically the same thing,an mp3 mix that streams.

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