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Posted - 2002/01/14 :  14:17:45  Show profile Send a private message
i just been speaking to this happyhardcore dj from CA wherever teh fcukin hell that is...n he sed he does a lot of live remixing n wa son bout how u mix acapellas n stuff withbeats to create a live remix this sound spretty damn hard n was wantin to give it a go ne ideas where to start?

Come take my hand and lead me too the land where dreams come true for me and u in the magic of wonderland

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Brian K
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Posted - 2002/01/14 :  16:59:27  Show profile  Send a private message
CA = calipornia
as far as i know you just beat match them together like you would any other record. for the most part they are all relatively in 4/4. don't know much about it since i don't really collect those...

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silver is verified hardcore artist silver is a site donation subscriber silver has attended 108 events
Posted - 2002/01/14 :  17:08:10  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
Buy one of those records that just contains beats, pitch it to 45 and go for it :)

you, me and hardcore forever.

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Posted - 2002/01/15 :  08:33:33  Show profile  Send a private message
i fonly he'd have sed it liek that it wudnt have seemed so hard:) but i tried N trance set u free acapella with some breaks n to be honest:( boo hoo:( i put the record to shame lol..oh well i will persist thanx neway:)

Come take my hand and lead me too the land where dreams come true for me and u in the magic of wonderland

You will not laugh, You will not cry, You will learn by the numbers!

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Brian K
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Posted - 2002/01/15 :  09:27:35  Show profile  Send a private message
try using rap acapellas to start out with. They seem to work a lot easier than using a vocal, because then you can run into problems with pitch if it's sung...

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."

"we'll delete the weak"

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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2002/01/15 :  11:29:03  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage
here they mix tlc waterfals with pitchhiker

You can't see me,because i am the future.

You can't see me,because i am the future.

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