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PC vs. Mac

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Posted - 2002/05/16 :  21:20:01  Show profile Send a private message
Alright, I wanted to get a few quick opinions from the crowd on this. Some perfer PC while others perfer Macs. I know I perfer the Mac but I was wondering how many others out there when it comes down to it, straight creating tracks, perfer which? I use a G4 dual processor with Cubase and Logic. Sometimes it seems the audio softwares cater to PC but Mac has alot of quality software. Just a thought.

o<|;0D Wèbber¬

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DJ Mouse
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Posted - 2002/05/17 :  02:54:01  Show profile  Send a private message
from what i've heard,cubase runs better on the mac than the pc.
as for recording,there's soundforge for the pc and sound designer for the mac,and sound designer p!sses all over sound forge.
then again,pc's are so much easier to use than macs

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse

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Oli G
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Posted - 2002/05/17 :  09:42:54  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Oli G's homepage
Heh the mac vs pc debate

dont worry abou tsoftware too much you can get versions/stuff for both platforms

its down to hardware and mostly personal choice

i know hixxy and sy use mac's
Ufo breeze storm and most others use a PC
simply for the "availability" of software.. and the fact pc's are a **** of a lot cheaper

im goin fer a pc.. cos its what i can afford

but that wasnt an opinion...

i dunno

id like someone to post a better light on this

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Posted - 2002/05/19 :  03:18:00  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Webber's homepage
Both of your opinions are dooly noted. Yes this seems to be one of those debates which never dies, however I wanted more personal opinions on this from a variety of folk. Thanks for the bit of info on the other dj's I didnt know really who used what. Perhaps, Silver could give a personal insight, or is he a tables only sort of man? Btw. silver, I really would like to attend the 6th in Shibuya, I am currently trying to weasel my way out of working the next day. I really want to see UFO. If I dont see you there, good luck.

o<|;0D Wèbber¬

o<|;0D Wèbber¬

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Posted - 2002/05/20 :  13:39:03  Show profile  Send a private message
PC vs Mac!!!!!

*Ding ding ding

OK, here's the deal:

PC's are cheaper and faster. If you look at realistic (and independent) benchmarks a P4 2.0Ghz Northwood w/512K cache consistently smashes a Dual 1Ghz G4 Mac. Even in graphics the P4 will always be about 50% faster and 50% cheaper.

Mac's have WAY better OS's and support. I fooking hate Windows. But it's free....

Mac's have no interrupts and lower latency. Unlike PC's (windows) there are no harmful interupts plaguing your computer when you have a MAC. That means that you can sequence forever and your mix wont start "floating" like it does with a PC. That's why everyone that does live sets with a Laptop uses a Mac. Cause after an hour with a PC your set will turn into a big garbled mess. However, if you are just producing at home that's not a big deal cause you can just hit stop and play again.

Latency: PC's can get to around 12 MS latency at best now. Mac's with OS X can get 1-2 MS latency. Which means that everything on a Mac sounds "tighter" cause there is less lag between triggers and signal flow.

So what it boils down to is 2 things: Money. And live performance.

If you have $4000 sitting around you just need to blow on a computer definitely get a Mac cause they are better. If you have $1000 get a PC cause you will get more for your money.

If you are planning on doing live sets with a Laptop and a breakout box, using the Laptop as both the sequencer and/or sampler and/or synth get a Mac. Cause it sounds better (less latency), has no interupts (no garbled set after 30 mins), and cause Mac's don't crash all the damned time like Windows does.

That's just my .02. I personally have money saved up for a new computer interface and am trying to decide the same thing. Right now i'm leaning toward Mac's cause I think i wanna replace my sampler with a Laptop for weigth and ease purposes. So I'm thinking about a PowerMac at home and a G3 700 iBook for the road with a Motu 828 Firewire breakout box or a Echo Layla. But that's just me, it depends on what you wanna do with it and how much cash you got :)

Edit: Of course i'm kinda leaning the other way a bit cause for the same price I could build a crazy fast 2.5Ghz PC with a Raid array and buy a brand new Akai Z8 sampler and a Echo Layla breakout box for home which would also rock.

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Edited by - Soren on 2002/05/20 13:42:42
Oli G
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Posted - 2002/05/20 :  18:28:19  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Oli G's homepage
i think im getting my self a pc
for the afordabilaty side of it


Nice Athlon (heh cheaper than p4.. :?) 2000xp
1gig ram
dual head gfx and two 19inch monitors for 1500
with an maudio delta 410 card

thats build it ur self vs stupid companys :D

Garage Is where You Keep Your ****in Car
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Posted - 2002/05/20 :  19:03:03  Show profile  Send a private message

just dance........

just dance........

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