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new setup - i hate to be a git, but......

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Posted - 2002/06/05 :  13:16:33  Show profile Send a private message  Visit Haeobogoblin's homepage
hey people.
i have been in2 music production/mixing for a few years now, and until now i have never got round to acctuly purchasing any hardware - apart from a VERY crappy midi keyborad that i got from PC world about 5 years ago that no longer works thanks to windows XP's compatability problems :( -
anyway, i have some about an extra source of cash, and decided to put my money to use and get some equipment.

I have got £700-£1000 to play with, but the less cash i spend the better.
As with most people, i know that my computer would be a valid part of the set-up: i have got a 1.7GHz prosesser with......256mb ram. i currently have a crappy on-board sound card (first to be replaced no doubt).
on the software aspect of things price is not a problem. i have the latest versions of cubase, sound forge aswell as many other things. (lets just say i have many contacts - online and offline, but ssssh!)

So does anyone have any sugestions on what to get and why (also estimated prices of things woud be usefull, but not a problem if you dont know ;) )

oh, and just for the record, i intend to use the stull for production of trance, hard house and hardcore (what else!)

<<Respect To Tha Hardcore Posse!>>

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Edited by - Haeobogoblin on 2002/06/05 13:32:17
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Posted - 2002/06/05 :  13:24:53  Show profile  Send a private message
Forget about the MIDI keyboard for a start I got a yamaha DJX (nothing to good) And I think midi is shit!!!!! (Just my opinion)

When it comes to music software!!! I only know about Dance e-jay and fruity loops so i cant really help u there !!!

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Oli G
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Posted - 2002/06/05 :  13:57:55  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Oli G's homepage
Forget about the MIDI keyboard

heh nah, you need to play the notes in some how if your gonna produce you cant do it without some form of midi
go for cuebase reason combo is good for a stat
get a decent soundcard, something like an Maudio Delta 410 or similar

get a mixer so you can do some out board mixing
and try save later on for an Access Virus
they are raw filth

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Posted - 2002/06/05 :  15:31:01  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit o0sameyeam0o's homepage
I plan on buying a midi keyboard soon, does it help A LOT with producing music??, its $149 USD and it comes with midi gold, its 49 keys that have mod and pitch wheels, touch respsonsive keys and octave shift, is this a good deal?? i use fruityloops and reason for producing,t hanks

sam eye am

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Posted - 2002/06/06 :  01:47:24  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Underloop's homepage
I already got my eyes on a Novation Nova for a synth......but one thing I would say is that if your gonna try to make some money out of it then you need to get some decent monitors.... something with a really low bottom end. spirit absolute 2s are wikkid!!

monitors help you get a clear picture of the sound and are designed for giving a true representation of teh mix, whereas Hi-Fi speakers are for pleasure, and they have a tendency to make the music sound more pleasing to the ear. If you get the track sounding good on studio monitors then it will sound good on most systems...depending on which monitors you buy.

Matthew aka Cyclone/Underloop
"Wait a minute, thats not the Monsterometer, its the Frog Exagerator"

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Posted - 2002/06/06 :  08:10:34  Show profile  Send a private message
I also have the Yamaha DJX 2, its not the best but i kinda rigged it up to a korg tone works pedal (intended for the gutair, but quite useful for distortion,flange,pitch shift,tremors, echos,cabinet, etc...) It gives me a little better effect possibilities. My software is a pirated copy of MTV's Music generator...........sound quality is shit, but its interface is pretty easy to use.
Unlimited sampling time, built in sample editor with LFO capabilities and other filters to play with. You can make decent shit if you have keboarding skillz, and get a VERY creative with the sequencing.

Im gettin soundforge and cubase as soon as i fix my hoopty ride

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Posted - 2002/06/06 :  13:44:35  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit o0sameyeam0o's homepage
can anyone answer my question above about the midi keyboard?? thanks

sam eye am

buyaka respekts!

o0:: MaX rEsPeKts ::0o


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DJ Mouse
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Posted - 2002/06/06 :  15:29:50  Show profile  Send a private message
if you'd rather play into the song on the keyboard rather than insert the notes in with the mouse then go for it

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DJ Mouse

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Posted - 2002/06/07 :  12:55:51  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Haeobogoblin's homepage
ok, thanx for the advice etc. so far, but pls keep them coming!

i have been looking about on the net (and in my HTFR cataloge) and have found a few items that look interesting. anybody got any comments/recomendations about any of these:

* yamaha CS2X synthesiser
* Midiman Oxygen 9 USB keyboard
* Roland SH-32 synth
* Yamaha SU-200/SU-700
* Roland MC-303/MC-307/MC-505

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Posted - 2002/06/10 :  01:04:41  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Underloop's homepage
I have the CS1x wich is very similar to the CS2x, and I love it. It makes a great control synth with all the knobs on it, and it has loads of inbuilt sounds. The drums are a bit pap, although once recorded and compressed etc they're "alright". Theres some beautiful pads on there, and some of the basses/leads are ok too...but they lack the bite of an analogue/virtual analogue synth

I personally am not a big fan of the "groovebox" thingies, but they are a good way to get into making your own tunes. If you work at it and develop your own patterns and stuff rather than relying on the inbuilt stuff then you can't do too bad I suppose lol. Watch that the sounds don't date tho! I'm not sure n the editing capabilities of the Roland Grooveboxes

Sammy: If you can afford to, get yourself something like a CS1x/CS2x with onboard sounds and loads of can pick them up pretty cheap secondhand these days.

Matthew aka Cyclone/Underloop
"Wait a minute, thats not the Monsterometer, its the Frog Exagerator"

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Posted - 2002/06/10 :  12:06:30  Show profile  Send a private message
"I plan on buying a midi keyboard soon, does it help A LOT with producing music??"

Yes, get one. they are nice and let you preview the range of a sound without having to go to the piano roll section of your sequncer and hash it all out there first. You can just hit the keys, much easier. And get an Evolution MK-249c they are the best cheap midi controllers you can get IMHO just take a look at one.

* yamaha CS2X synthesiser- It's got OK sounds. I personally would get a Novation Nova and a controller for around the same price.

* Midiman Oxygen 9 USB keyboard- (you mean Oxygen 8 right?) I used one at the local GC, it was OK, I personally like bigger KB's for my bedroom cause I have the space. I also think the build quality is pretty bad, espeically since MIDIMan normally makes really solid gear.

* Roland SH-32 synth- I hate Roland. They produce garbage. I haven't tried this yet, but I hate Roland. They produce garbage. Although it is getting good reviews and people seem to like it. Again I would buy a Novation Nova for the same price and get 2X the Polyphony.

* Yamaha SU-200/SU-700- I like the SU700. It's a good "groovebox", ok sampler, good sequencing. I've never tired the SU200.

* Roland MC-303/MC-307/MC-505- I hate Roland. They produce garbage. I especially hate this line of "romplers". They sound like crap and are about the most uninspiring things i've ever put my hands on. But then again I just hate Roland so you may wanna ask somone else. :)

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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  20:46:35  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit o0sameyeam0o's homepage
heh the Evo midi keyboard was the one i was planning on getting :) thanx for the info!!!

o0:: MaX rEsPeKts ::0o


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Posted - 2002/06/15 :  11:36:53  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Padre's homepage

well, theres alot u can do, but if ur going software, these days u dont need a Keyboard.
all teh major apps allow u to control note velocity, mind u it can get tedious goin thru note by note, and playin teh KB jsut makes things that much easier...
only a bit thou...

as for HW, i would say waiti until you checkout afew VSTis and standalone synths and samplers, as these might actually save u some cash.

ones to look out for are
Scorion2.0 (modelled on teh nord lead)
Junglist (fuggin insane)
triangle (literally a triangle oscilator based SoftSynth VERY fat)
FM7 (classic DX sounds, also plays dx200 and old dx7 (and every other FM synth) patches)
Orion is great, and the 303 in that sounds alot more authentic to a TB than what rebirth does.

and if all these goin at once stress ur system id then suggest you get a sampler, as in teh longrun, a sampler wil benefit you alot more than a synth ever could. Dont get me wrong, i love synths, however, u cant throw a vocal into a synth...
And as you have all these softsynths ;) you will never be short of a sound source.
or u could be a clever dick and create your loops with reason, Orion whatever, then wack em into Acid and make ur track there which will save u CPU and LOTS of stress... LOL

some HW samplers to consider
Yamaha A series (pretty fuggin insane and very easy to use. u can look at it as being pretty much a synth which uses your sample as the base oscillator, but im biased)

Akai S series and Z series (Z are a bit expensive thou)

Emu (of couse, but too many samples sometimes wash the mix. Some say it gives the trak warmth, i think its distortion. Each to their own)

these are all pitch samplers, however u can use them to play loops too.

loop samplers a re a different story and wont give you the scope of a pitch based sampler.
Alot of people use these pitch samplers as a glorified loop sampler anyways, but its always good to have a choice and a different method of working according to your mood.

umm.. thats about it..
i cant think of anything else to write....
good luck!

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Posted - 2002/06/15 :  11:39:55  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Padre's homepage
oh sh!t forgot to mention...
make sure you get Ni Pro52... its a softsynth based on the prophet 5...
now if u cant get a fat sound out of this one, theres something wrong :)

For we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams - Willy Wonka

For we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams - Willy Wonka

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