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acidfluxxbass Advanced Member
United Kingdom
5,000 posts Joined: Apr, 2008
Posted - 2009/06/03 : 08:44:36
I'm happy with this one mostly because I was able to keep the levels quite normal and thats another step forward for me, and i made my voice sound high-pitched! As Fishy said, its got kind of an old skoolish feel to it, and I kinda get what he means. You could stick this in with a set from 99, and no one could really tell the difference. Though, I like that trait :D
There're somethings I'm not 100% happy with, one being the bass... But oh well...
I used Meatheads Blue Cat Freq. Analyser and the EQ tool (both free). Useful, though I struggled to understand the way frequencies work and whatnot.
Below is what should be the youtube video for the track (make sure you check out the HD version for top quality) and a 320kbs download link.
Alert moderator Edited by - acidfluxxbass on 2009/06/03 10:19:58
näkkk Advanced Member
755 posts Joined: Feb, 2009
16 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/03 : 09:39:06
I like it, the production is good, and don't worry about the bass, it's fine(if you mean the sound of it, I don't know much about the "right" frequencies and that kind of stuff) :)
Mortis Advanced Member
United Kingdom
7,493 posts Joined: May, 2004
341 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/03 : 09:49:46
The melody is really good, change a few notes on the pattern and it would be as bouncy as hell
What did you use to get that old skool choir sound? I've been after that for ages.
"Maybe in a day and age in which even our rappers can't get to the end of a verse without having an existential crisis, we should find a place for happy hardcore"
acidfluxxbass Advanced Member
United Kingdom
5,000 posts Joined: Apr, 2008
Posted - 2009/06/03 : 09:55:22
quote:Originally posted by Mortis:
The melody is really good, change a few notes on the pattern and it would be as bouncy as hell
What did you use to get that old skool choir sound? I've been after that for ages.
Thanks Nákkk and Mortis for the feedback, The choir sound is a Nexus Preset, The Binary Voice. I realised that using a repitched recording of my mum holding a C note wasnt entirely practical... but it was a good conversation starter.
And cheers Gary (ca i call u that? seems a bit strange to call someone 'audio').
Mortis Advanced Member
United Kingdom
7,493 posts Joined: May, 2004
341 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/03 : 09:58:17
quote:Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
The choir sound is a Nexus Preset, The Binary Voice.
Thanks mate.
quote:Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
I realised that using a repitched recording of my mum holding a C note wasnt entirely practical... but it was a good conversation starter.
"Maybe in a day and age in which even our rappers can't get to the end of a verse without having an existential crisis, we should find a place for happy hardcore"
Audio Warfare Advanced Member
United Kingdom
3,047 posts Joined: Mar, 2009
Posted - 2009/06/03 : 19:04:33
I like it man but the main riff is way over used. If you're going to repeat it that many times you should maybe think about changing it slightly in different places and it would be nice if it was 8 bars rather than just the 4.
Listen to released and forthcoming Audio Warfare/Audio Weaponry tunes here:-
acidfluxxbass Advanced Member
United Kingdom
5,000 posts Joined: Apr, 2008
Posted - 2009/06/03 : 20:05:05
quote:Originally posted by Audio Warfare:
I like it man but the main riff is way over used. If you're going to repeat it that many times you should maybe think about changing it slightly in different places and it would be nice if it was 8 bars rather than just the 4.
Yeah I know what you mean, exactly. I wasnt intending to make it overly complicated, and shuffled stuff around to make it a bit more varied, but yeah, your still spot on.
choonland Advanced Member
1,100 posts Joined: Dec, 2007
Posted - 2009/06/05 : 16:15:24
quote:Originally posted by Audio Warfare:
I like it man but the main riff is way over used. If you're going to repeat it that many times you should maybe think about changing it slightly in different places and it would be nice if it was 8 bars rather than just the 4.
agree with this. is a nice melody but its rather common. other than that I think is good
Meathead Advanced Member
United Kingdom
4,217 posts Joined: Sep, 2006
Posted - 2009/06/07 : 02:40:41
Good to see that Freq Analysers coming in handy mate, once you learn a bit more about the frequencies im sure it will even more so.
Ok so....
Bit fast innit? Actually i dont know, ive spent all day listening to and making Dubstep so it could be that lol. I like the choir sound even if it is..... Nexus *shudders* like Nakk said very reminisant of Elysium (and a lot of Scott Brown stuff for that matter). I think the intro is too long, could make for an awkward mix if someone decided to try and use it in a set etc. Would probably benefit from having a nice little break in the track around 1 minute. Not a full on breakdown just a small break allowing the DJ to switch onto that without losing the momentum and having another minute of intro after he/she switches over before it gets into the tracks breakdown. I try to make more interesting transitions when i mix but some dont bother so having an intro that long could put people off, just a suggestion. I know people go on about trying not to sound the same as next man but a little bit of DJ friendly structuring could make a whole lot of difference as to who buys your tunes and uses them in a set.
What was your problem with the bass? Im listening on my headphones at the minute so i cant tell too much (will listen again on my monitors tomorrow). In the breakdown at 3:30 it sounds as though somethings being sidechained/gated? It feels wierd (the only way i can desctibe it really), cant put my finger on why. It may be going throughout the track as there's something gwaning that like i said i cant put my finger on. Might just be me lol.
I like the acid sound, please dont tell me thats Nexus too lol, could do with a bit of tampering with though, acid's been done and over done so much. Maybe add a phaser/flanger/chorus/all of the aforementioned, basically experiment with it. Out of the breakdonw now, sounding very late 90s / early 00s, job well done in that respect mate. I think the piano could have done with coming in later, sounds very sudden i think. Maybe extend the trancey synth another 16 then bring in the piano. Outro is as the intro a bit on the long side.
At times i think there's a bit too much going on in the track, things can become lost. But its pretty good mate, i like the melody very happy and uplifting. There's probably a few things ive missed out, good things i wanted to praise you on or bad things i was going to stone you for but i think ive already wrote more than enough (mainly nonesense about DJs) so ill stop now.
Oh and, its an atempt at early 90s Hardcore? Big, distorted kicks are a must!
"Music creates order out of chaos; for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous." -Sir Yehudi Menuhin
acidfluxxbass Advanced Member
United Kingdom
5,000 posts Joined: Apr, 2008
Posted - 2009/06/07 : 02:51:43
quote:Originally posted by Meathead:
Good to see that Freq Analysers coming in handy mate, once you learn a bit more about the frequencies im sure it will even more so.
Ok so....
Bit fast innit? Actually i dont know, ive spent all day listening to and making Dubstep so it could be that lol. I like the choir sound even if it is..... Nexus *shudders* like Nakk said very reminisant of Elysium (and a lot of Scott Brown stuff for that matter). I think the intro is too long, could make for an awkward mix if someone decided to try and use it in a set etc. Would probably benefit from having a nice little break in the track around 1 minute. Not a full on breakdown just a small break allowing the DJ to switch onto that without losing the momentum and having another minute of intro after he/she switches over before it gets into the tracks breakdown. I try to make more interesting transitions when i mix but some dont bother so having an intro that long could put people off, just a suggestion. I know people go on about trying not to sound the same as next man but a little bit of DJ friendly structuring could make a whole lot of difference as to who buys your tunes and uses them in a set.
What was your problem with the bass? Im listening on my headphones at the minute so i cant tell too much (will listen again on my monitors tomorrow). In the breakdown at 3:30 it sounds as though somethings being sidechained/gated? It feels wierd (the only way i can desctibe it really), cant put my finger on why. It may be going throughout the track as there's something gwaning that like i said i cant put my finger on. Might just be me lol.
I like the acid sound, please dont tell me thats Nexus too lol, could do with a bit of tampering with though, acid's been done and over done so much. Maybe add a phaser/flanger/chorus/all of the aforementioned, basically experiment with it. Out of the breakdonw now, sounding very late 90s / early 00s, job well done in that respect mate. I think the piano could have done with coming in later, sounds very sudden i think. Maybe extend the trancey synth another 16 then bring in the piano. Outro is as the intro a bit on the long side.
At times i think there's a bit too much going on in the track, things can become lost. But its pretty good mate, i like the melody very happy and uplifting. There's probably a few things ive missed out, good things i wanted to praise you on or bad things i was going to stone you for but i think ive already wrote more than enough (mainly nonesense about DJs) so ill stop now.
Oh and, its an atempt at early 90s Hardcore? Big, distorted kicks are a must!
thats a really handy reply, mate, thankyou :)
That's allot to take into account next time around.
Thanks everyone for the constructive comments! once again, they'll help out!