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1200s VS. everything else!

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Posted - 2002/08/02 :  13:32:55  Show profile Send a private message
So, is all the hype about Tech 1200s justified? I know they're the standard club/party turntable, but in all honesty would I be able to play a set of 1200s if I practiced on different decks?
Thanks for the input!


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DJ Mouse
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Posted - 2002/08/02 :  13:56:53  Show profile  Send a private message
i'm not saying whether it's easier or harder to mix on them if you're used to something else,but let's just say it'll feel different.
if it was anything like my first experience of technics,if i found the perfect pitch i was ok but if i didn't i totally fu©ked the mix up

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Posted - 2002/08/02 :  16:07:30  Show profile  Send a private message
I was thinking the same question when I got my decks. The answer is yes, and you might even find them easier to mix on. Although if you have belt drives, it's a whole different story. When I first started djing I used belt drives. About 4 months later I got the chance to spin as a guest dj at a local club here in Sac. Of course they were using 1200's and I really didn't know what I was getting into, I thought all turntables were practically the same. I totally screwed up each and every mix and I think the crowed was booing me after 15 min. Shortly after that freak accident I went out to buy some gemini direct drives (PT-2000) and as I see it, they're harder to mix on then 1200's which makes it easier on you when you go to dj on them at an event or club.

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Dj Tripnosis
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Posted - 2002/08/02 :  16:42:40  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Dj Tripnosis's homepage
It's not that Techs are harder to use they are just different. I personalley love them and would prefer not to spin on anything else but that 's me. You really do need to find the perfecr pitch, you can't just be around it like on cheaper tables, the pitch needs to be exact in order to mix perfectly ( that or you need mad finger skills) . If youve used belt drives than techs are really diffewrent for the first while mainly because they start and stop on a dime, you don't need to push your finger to get the record up to speed. I sure wish they would go faster but nothings perfect, i love my tables with all my heart , Techniques - 1200's all the way

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Posted - 2002/08/03 :  16:47:31  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit pacman's homepage
this could be an interesting debate.... what about compared to the new vestax or numarks (TTX1s)?? i'm looking to update my decks soon and both these option seem to me to be more appealing than the technics?? can anyone compare these new high-performance decks?

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Posted - 2002/08/03 :  17:18:19  Show profile  Send a private message
i feel that vestax pdx 2000's are much better. they feel different but there is not the lag when trying to scratch that there is on the techies. i feel i can get much greater controll. The gemini pt 2400's are alot like the techies, but cheaper, you can easly go from the gems to the techies. i feel the asking price for techies is now too high. i would look more towards the ttx1, or vestax. if you want to go cheaper then techies, look at the gem 2400's, or numark tt200's, two very good decks from what ive heard and tried (i have had a fair bit of use on gems and techies, but only tested the tt200's once)

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DJ Mouse
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Posted - 2002/08/04 :  03:54:48  Show profile  Send a private message
vestax are nothing like the 1210's imo
here's what i have to say about them in a previous post

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Posted - 2002/08/05 :  02:52:01  Show profile  Send a private message
mouse if that was aimed at me i ask you to read my post again.
i do not say they handle the same, i said they handle differently, that was stated.
second, i said that the gemini2400's feel like the technics 1200's. trying to put accross the point that the price for technics is high when you can save £200 go for the gemini, and have decks a lot like the technics.

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