Starting Member

1 post Joined: Aug, 2009
Posted - 2009/08/28 : 08:03:20
Hey there, my names Phil (a.k.a 0n) and I've been mixing for a few years, just got the gear recently and the drive to start sharing it and pulling off gigs, so I've been practicing live sets.
Download one here:
http://www.adrive.com/public/bc7f10cc7bed62fa5927a026a199bfa6be0359e8f17c2cbcc4b3d291d0b3003a.html Or if you'd prefer to hear my stuff streaming before committing your precious time to downloading go to http://www.myspace.com/0n or www.numberonemusic.com/0n Its really quite hard for me to define my style beyond hardcore, maybe hardcore acid? hardcore breaks? Something else entirely? Maybe someone here can help me!
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