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Miikkii Average Member
215 posts Joined: Dec, 2007
Posted - 2009/09/20 : 16:34:10
Hey everyone,
I've completed my first track (I guess you could say). I'ts Uplifting Trance, so some of you may not fancy it at all! As i know most people are on here for Hardcore.
But i thought it would be worth posting anyways, since it's the first ANYTHING i've made thats worth showing to people :) I may still work on it as i feel something need's to be fixed or changed in the future. Anyways,
Just thought i'd would be cool to let you guys have a listen. If you are expecting it to sound as good as Aly & Fila or Airbase etc, sorry to dissapoint you but im not that good...yet!
CiALiN Advanced Member
535 posts Joined: Apr, 2009
Posted - 2009/09/21 : 13:47:10
ohhh i love trance so this should be right up my alley
i like this..the bass is quite nice...i love the wee arp/pluck thing you have going on from 1.22...sounds really good..the intro is very nice..its really just lacking maybe a nice sidechained pad imo
the breakdown is not a huge fan of the piano you used..good work overall though
Miikkii Average Member
215 posts Joined: Dec, 2007
Posted - 2009/09/22 : 04:45:16
quote:Originally posted by CiALiN:
ohhh i love trance so this should be right up my alley
i like this..the bass is quite nice...i love the wee arp/pluck thing you have going on from 1.22...sounds really good..the intro is very nice..its really just lacking maybe a nice sidechained pad imo
the breakdown is not a huge fan of the piano you used..good work overall though
Thanks mate!
Yea i really do want to work on the breakdown and make it much more euphoric and uplifting. Right now i feel its a bit, well half assed.
But i will definitely take what you guys have said into account and try to improve on it :)
CiALiN Advanced Member
535 posts Joined: Apr, 2009
Posted - 2009/09/22 : 09:04:49
no problem at all man...some strings and a nice fat pad are all thats really really good effort.wont be long till you are knocking out beasts
im just starting to experiment with trance aswell and its such a difficult genre to get to grips much going on at any one time in a track