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emcee_Whiskey Junior Member
101 posts Joined: Aug, 2005
Posted - 2009/10/19 : 13:40:03
Fundamental Hardcore's first 2 releases are out now!!!
They are avaliable from Imodownload and Hardbeatsdownload and will be availible on Track it down & Juno download in the coming days.
Auscore - R.I.F.F
Fundamental's debut release is a huge instrumental slammer by Perth's very own Sam Auscore. The track really lives up to its name and focuses primarily on the main riff which is a mesmerizing piece of musical skill. This one is guaranteed to set any dance floor on fire!
Fundamental's second release is another hardcore monster matching the standard of the previous release. It is a hardcore cover of the 80's hit by "Martika" and is already proving to be a crowd favorite at rave's in Western Australia. If the trend in WA is anything to go by, this one will be tearing apart dance floor's around the world in the not to distant future!