Still not 100% finished and hasn't been mastered yet. Will give away the full thing on here when it's all done.
Oh and this was done in FL too. Started it on that before I got Cubase and couldn't be arsed to move it over because I'm a lazy bugger.
quote:Originally posted by Quicksilver: Here is the sample pack... Packed the original SFX file (with all of them in one file) and the ones I have cut out from that one.
Ooo cheers, might see if there is something extra I can use here too still! 8)
Listen to released and forthcoming Audio Warfare/Audio Weaponry tunes here:-
Alert moderatorEdited by - Audio Warfare on 2009/11/20 09:01:17
Triquatra Moderator
United Kingdom
12,636 posts Joined: Nov, 2003
Posted - 2009/11/20 : 11:31:10
quote:Originally posted by Audio Warfare:
before I got Cubase and couldn't be arsed to move it over because I'm a lazy bugger.
dude! tell me about it haha! - ive moved my "most finished" songs over but christ, all that exporting midi's, "re-wiring" the VST's to the channels...saving off VST the settings...redoing all the levels on the channels
then of course redoing all the automation
headache much! thoguh i learnt loooads about cubase whilst i was doing all that haha!
and the moment i say to myself "i now know cubase as well as i know FL" my wife takes a uni course and is on the computer 24/7 doing work so i dont get a chance to do anything haha!
Guyver is one of my favorite hard trance producers, very popular back in 2003 - 07...signed to Tidy Trax
Mortis Advanced Member
United Kingdom
7,493 posts Joined: May, 2004
341 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/11/20 : 13:33:49
quote:Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
quote:Originally posted by Audio Warfare:
before I got Cubase and couldn't be arsed to move it over because I'm a lazy bugger.
dude! tell me about it haha! - ive moved my "most finished" songs over but christ, all that exporting midi's, "re-wiring" the VST's to the channels...saving off VST the settings...redoing all the levels on the channels
then of course redoing all the automation
headache much! thoguh i learnt loooads about cubase whilst i was doing all that haha!
It's a pisser aint it! I'm doing that with some of my tracks right now but I think the end result is well worth it. Tracks I made on FL are no where near as good as the versions I'm making on Studio One.
"Maybe in a day and age in which even our rappers can't get to the end of a verse without having an existential crisis, we should find a place for happy hardcore"