Senior Member

 United Kingdom
296 posts Joined: Aug, 2007
Posted - 2009/11/27 : 15:47:34

Last night the Endemic quartet took to the decks to smash out their unique brand of driving underground dance music to the masses on the NEC hour on Krafty Radio. These boys know how to properly DJ and worked a killer set that started with some powerful chuggin' breakbeat Hardcore and smoothly worked up to a full on 180bpm Freeform assault! Topped off with some choice MC rhymes this set was a concoction of the best in fresh purist music - and should not of been missed under any circumstances! If you did manage to miss out however then as always our podcast is here to help you catch up with the world of NEC and its artists. Get the tracklist right here plus make sure you grab all of the NEC shows by subscribing, using either a podcatcher or your email address. Every week we bring you the best talents the Nu Energy Collective has to offer. Next Thursday at 21:00 get ready for Voycey & Douglas!
Grab Endemic on podcast here!
<b>Nu Energy Collective: ‘Representing
Underground Hardbeats Worldwide’</b>
08456 122 303
http://www.nuenergycollective.com http://www.hardbeatstore.com
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Edited by - Triquatra on 2009/11/27 18:24:01 |