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 Events: North America

Sakura-Con (2 attended)

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United States
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Posted - 2010/02/04 :  06:21:40  Show profile Send a private message  Visit jimnicricket's homepage
[2 members attended this event.]
Event name: Sakura-Con
Starts: April 2nd, 2010
Country: United States
State/Territory: Washington

sea, All Ages) april 2-4th all ages
WELL it is time again for the nw's biggest Anime con!!! At that con there is a dance and what a dance we have this year


dj virus(toronoto canada)

sayien (toronoto canada)

sayien bio-One of Toronto's favourite hardcore hooligans is touching down at SakuraCon! Saiyan has rocked crowds across Canada and the United States, including two days worth of appearances at Toronto's 2009 AnimeNorth Convention. Working from a philosophy
of "If it doesn't suck, I'll play it," Saiyan's eclectic sets throw genres right out the window, blending all forms of hardcore, drum and bass, eurodance, hip hop, metal, and whatever else tickles his pickle. Mmmmmmm pickles.

initial p.(pdx)
From Disko warp records bringing you the finest all anime remix set. All original work!!!

The azn invasion. Seattles best trance battling it out!!! Hard trance,fluffy trance hands up trance nrg you will see it all





japanese headliner tba

[SIZE="5"]dj dynamic (ny)[/SIZE]
Some of the cheesy beats on the streets. You will be sure to get down to his set of pure anthem dropping cheddar do no be surprised when you hear shooting star 3 times hahah

iank seattles best hhc producer doing a live pa.

kid kaboom pix coming soon
doing an all jcore set.

playing god knows what ... how about all of it ^_^
sea, All Ages) april 2-4th all ages

for registration

Sakura-Con 2009 will be held at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center
akura-Con (pronounced 'Sa-ku-ra-con) is a Japanese Animation(Anime), manga (comics), gaming, and Asian-culture convention. The convention is held in the Pacific Northwest for anime fans, also known as "Otaku", where the emphasis is on FUN! Sakura-Con began
in 1998 as a small, three-day event a party for anime fans at the Double Tree Inn, in Tukwila Washington. The convention has grown dramatically in the past 5 years in terms of attendees, guest speakers, companies, and press attending our event. Operated by
an all-volunteer staff, our main goal is for everyone to have a good time...from our guest speakers to our attendees. We are happy to say that this is one thing we excel at and that we are known for.

We started Sakura-Con because we missed the fun, multi-level anime conventions where something was always happening and you were afraid to eat lunch for fear of missing something you really wanted to see. We were tired of the professionally run conventions
that herded you into a room to see a speaker for one hour, than herded you into a line for an autograph and closed in time for you to be home for supper! Some of our fondest memories were of gulping down a salad in 10 minutes so we wouldn't miss a panel we
wanted to see or spending hours in the hotel bar with the cast and crew of various shows, comic books, authors, etc. We missed the friendly guests who really liked meeting their fans and having as much fun as we were having.

So we decided to start a convention. We returned to the older-style 24-hour convention (there is always something going on at Sakura-Con; when we say our admission charge is for a day, it's a full day until midnight!) with dances, karaoke, panels, anime
theater rooms, great guests, and a staff that really knows and cares about the fandom because we are part of it too! You may have a hard time finding time to sleep!

attendance last yeah 16500 @@@@ and we continue to grow every year@@@

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Posted - 2010/02/05 :  20:56:31  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit xMx's homepage


I hate Japan.

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Drizzt has attended 1 event
Posted - 2010/02/15 :  03:15:25  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Drizzt's homepage
I'm so there. Ive been going mainly for the anime, but i was realllly impressed by last years dances, hopefully it'll be even better this year!!

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