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Standard too high to finish anything?

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Posted - 2014/05/30 :  13:37:02  Show profile Send a private message
I've got about 100 FL Studio projects and I've finished precisely 2 of them.

Anyone else find they never actually finish anything because their bar is just set too high?

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Posted - 2014/05/30 :  14:57:40  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ_FunDaBounce's homepage
I think I have that many cubase projects, if not more. It used to frustrate me that I wasn't as prolific as I wanted (still getting there) but now I try and view those little projects as "sketches", that even though they don't end up finished most of the time, they are good for exercising my creative side. Also, I have noticed that the more of these sketches I make, the more likely I am to finish one.

"Fun with a capital F-D-B!"

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The Dopeman
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Posted - 2014/05/30 :  15:00:57  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit The Dopeman's homepage
i have 396 unfinished projects that will probably never see the light of day i keep getting bored then startin something new...then getting bored again

Spark this shit up!!!

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Posted - 2014/05/30 :  20:58:40  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit scottyd2k9's homepage
I've made 1 track and I have tons of tracks that need finishing. I need to learn more :D

All Good Things Come To An End !!

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Posted - 2014/05/30 :  22:12:56  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit brodster's homepage
I've been getting that a lot recently, pretty annoying but I guess the only thing to do is just finish something even if it's crap.

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Posted - 2014/05/30 :  23:16:22  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ_FunDaBounce's homepage
Originally posted by brodster:
I've been getting that a lot recently, pretty annoying but I guess the only thing to do is just finish something even if it's crap.

This ^^

It's kinda like flushing it out of your system if it doesn't work! lol!

"Fun with a capital F-D-B!"

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Posted - 2014/06/04 :  18:08:52  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit SmashingTheSirens's homepage
I'm much the same with Cubase. Got around 30 odd half done tracks. It's getting frustrating, doing one thing, then think nahhh, try something else! Typical

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Jonny Rich
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Posted - 2014/06/05 :  08:05:17  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Jonny Rich's homepage
dont get me started on this... i end up releasing one track ever 5 month due to this problem


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Posted - 2014/06/05 :  10:44:37  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Hard2Get's homepage
Originally posted by Elliott:
I've got about 100 FL Studio projects and I've finished precisely 2 of them.

Anyone else find they never actually finish anything because their bar is just set too high?

Yeah exactly my problem. Ironically the standard would be a lot better if i actually settled for less than my perceived perfection because then I'd actually do more work and get them finished. Where if i don't finish them then they don't even get chance to be as good as they can, let alone as good as i want them to be.

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Posted - 2014/06/08 :  20:21:25  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Karthy's homepage
I have the same problem, but it's less about my standards and more about just lacking ideas. If I get an idea for one of the unfinished projects I'll probably work on it a bit and then come to a dead end again. They all get little bits done to them but generally I find if I'm going to finish a track it'll be one that I work solid on for a few weeks, when ideas are constantly coming in for that track.

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Posted - 2014/06/09 :  03:19:36  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
You are always going to write a better track each and everytime you make a tune, it's important to get it out there even if you know you could do better, let people know you are getting better, you never know perhaps people like stuff you think is not the best.

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