Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,601 posts Joined: Feb, 2009
Posted - 2016/10/19 : 00:10:56
[0 members attended this event.]
Event name: Core Blimey
Starts: December 2nd, 2016
Country: United Kingdom 
City/Region: England
Flyer - 905739670814_o_zps9gn3elaf.jpg Core Blimey is back once again and we are once again hitting up The TUNNEL Club in Birmingham. What we have for you this time is something I've been asked about by the ravers a fair few times and something I've been wanting to do for a while but we've not got round to it. Well now we have and Core Blimey is honoured to present to you, that we will be running December's event with the North Wests longest standing and well respected event HORIZON!! With Core Blimey hosting the Hardcore, Horizon in the Gabber and Operation Hardcore once again hosting the Nu Breed room this event is sure to go off!! Also check out the theme! The event name says it all ??KandiLand?. Yea that's right this is a full on Kandi Rave featuring loads of FREE Kandi Bracelets etc for you to collect throughout the night. What do you come as I hear you say!? Well it's Bright fun colours much colour that's possible. Let's get The Tunnel Club glowing once again!! As always free whistles & horns will be available on the night. So bring on December 2nd and we will see you there #TEAMCB LINE UP ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ARENA 1 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ CORE BLIMEY (UK Hardcore, Powerstomp, Freeform) ✯✯ SCOTT BROWN B2B CHRIS UNKNOWN ✯✯ ✯✯ MC WOTSEE B2B MC DOUBLE-D ✯✯ ✯✯ BREEZE FT MC WHIZZKID ✯✯ ✯✯ KLUBFILLER FT MC STORM ✯✯ ✯✯ HIXXY FT MC OCTANE B2B MC SMILEY ✯✯ ✯✯ ARKITECH B2B THUMPA FT MC FRIKSHON ✯✯ ✯✯ MACKS WOLF B2B CALLUM HIGBY ✯✯ ✯✯ FT MC WHIZZKID B2B MC ENERGY ✯✯ ✯✯ PAUL MANX B2B MPH FT MC BOYZY ✯✯ ✯✯ DANNY R-CORE FT UNITY MC ✯✯ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ARENA 2 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ HORIZON (Hardcore, Frenchcore, Terror, Industrial) ✯✯ THE DJ PRODUCER ✯✯✯✯ ✯✯ SCOTT BROWN ✯✯ ✯✯ BIG WORM ✯✯ ✯✯ DISTURBIA ✯✯ ✯✯ DEMONIQUE TECHNIQUE ✯✯ ✯✯ TOKSIK ✯✯ ✯✯ BILLY MANIK ✯✯ ✯✯ NOFF ✯✯ Hosted By: 1-TIME / BANGFISH / OCTANE / ODE ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ARENA 3 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ OPERATION HARDCORE (Nu Breed- UK Hardcore/Powerstomp/Hardstyle) ✯✯ THE FRIAR FT MC RD ✯✯ ✯✯ NELZA B2B PENSIONER FT MC COR3Y ✯✯ ✯✯ NIZZLE FT UNITY MC ✯✯ ✯✯ REMINISCE B2B CLOWNY FT MC 3MAN ✯✯ ✯✯ PHAT PAT B2B PAC-MAN FT MC SWAY ✯✯ ✯✯ RETOXD FT MC ODE ✯✯ ✯✯ CONRAD FT MC JME ✯✯ ✯✯ BASSLINE BOYZ FT MC K-NO ✯✯ So there you have it! This is going to be off the hook. See you December 2nd #TeamCB
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