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 Music discussion - hardcore

Types of hardcore

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Posted - 2018/01/05 :  04:44:46  Show profile Send a private message
So I?m kinda new to hardcore
Used to rave to it back in 2007-2009
Never Really looked into the genre just enjoyed the songs

But I?m now getting into it heavy
And I mainly like the uk hardcore like Darwin and Fracus , technikore etc types

And I?m doing more digging and came across angerfist and dirty bastards
It says it hardcore. But it sounds way different from what I like

Is that the actual hardcore genre ?
They sound so different

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Posted - 2018/01/05 :  04:48:53  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Guest's homepage
yeah its hardcore.... back in the 1990s there was hardcore, then in 1996 hardcore died, while hardcore was carried on, mainly by the dutch, sy and vibes invented uk hardcore and thought they were special and carried on using the hardcore name, so real hardcore at uk hardcore events became called the chav name gabber

then all retired, and main stream gabba stole everyone from drum & bass and dubstep while they are all dying and everybody had nowhere to go

youtube channel / soundcloud and mixcloud suck

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Edited by - Guest on 2018/01/05 04:49:45
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Posted - 2018/01/05 :  04:58:44  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit OKCBOI's homepage

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Posted - 2018/01/05 :  05:03:09  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Guest's homepage
the only place you will see gabba being used to name hardcore, is at an event in austrailia where uk hardcore is in the main room

all the darren styles etc era could'nt care about the name, and roots, its just music

youtube channel / soundcloud and mixcloud suck

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Posted - 2018/01/05 :  05:08:00  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit OKCBOI's homepage
I see

Quite honestly I think that angerfist shit is horrible

I like the ?happy hardcore? even tho it doesn?t sound happy
Sounds hard af

The 2007 Stuff was nice
Like re-con , heaven 7 , bonkers
Too much heat!!

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trippnface has attended 21 events
Posted - 2018/01/05 :  05:41:49  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit trippnface's homepage
sounds like you enjoy classic kandi kid style uk hardcore !

take that guest! :P


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Posted - 2018/01/05 :  05:46:34  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit trippnface's homepage
usually some gabber heads get all pissy when happy hardcore is refered to as " hardcore"

cracks me up.

they can eat it, cuz breakbeat hardcore was first hardcore, and that was happy hardcore...pretty much. love the debates on youtube where the old heads ceaselessly argue whether breakbeat hardcore was happy hardcore or not lol.


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Posted - 2018/01/05 :  09:42:52  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Guest's homepage
Originally posted by trippnface:
sounds like you enjoy classic kandi kid style uk hardcore !

take that guest! :P

i keep hardcore real when i mix

dominator festivals dj compititions don't know what hit them, and i say **** off

youtube channel / soundcloud and mixcloud suck

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Edited by - Guest on 2018/01/05 09:44:08
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Posted - 2018/01/05 :  09:55:27  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Guest's homepage
Originally posted by trippnface:
usually some gabber heads get all pissy when happy hardcore is refered to as " hardcore"

cracks me up.

uk hardcore goes under the name hardcore in the uk and austrailia and japan, the rest of the world has "gabber" for hardcore in the clubs and shops so its a pointless argument

youtube channel / soundcloud and mixcloud suck

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Posted - 2018/01/05 :  10:07:13  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Samination's homepage
There are 2 mayor styles when it comes to Hardcore (if we exclude Hardcore Punk and Hardcore Rap completely :P).

(1) Hardcore that originated from Great Britain (England) that's comes from the same roots as Jungle and Drum & Bass.
(2) Hardcore that originated from The Netherlands and other parts of central Europe that have roots in Techno (mostly Detroit Techno to my understand... Guest will surely correct me on this). Sometimes just called Gabber or Gabba, even though Gabber is a substyle of Dutch Hardcore that's usually never below 200BPM.

Both styles have a bunch of substyles within them, but in the end quite alot of them are interconnectable, mostly because of their general speed (160 to.... well, way WAY over 200 BPM, but generally 160 to 200) and structure, so a bunch of DJ's (I'm one of them) tend to mix them in the same set.

(1) have foremostly styles called;
Happy Hardcore,
Trancecore (not to be confused with the emo rock culture from the US),
Freeform Hardcore,
UK Hardcore (this term is almost as broad as Hardcore itself, but it can be divided into the years 2001-2005, 2007-2012,2012-) and
Breakbeat Hardcore (more in line with Jungle & Breakbeat, but with melodies reminisces to Happy Hardcore).

(2) have foremostly styles called;
Happy Gabber? (basicly Happy Hardcore that came from The Netherlands),
Rotterdam Hardcore (sometimes called Mainstream Hardcore),
Speedcore and

I could say that there also exists a (3)rd group, but the ones I am going to mention shares alot of elements from the other 2;
Bouncy Techno (Hardcore-like genre from Scotland),
Makina (Spanish dance music that got turned up to 11. Sometimes takes influences from Hard Trance too) and
J-core (Japanese "J-pop" that got speeded up. A lot of "Normal" (1) and (2) Hardcore from Japan is labeled as J-core to).

Not to promote myself to much, but if you wish to hear variations of Hardcore within the same set, I'd recommend listening to a few (most) of my mixes.
a few examples:! (this has some Happy Hardcore at the start) (Mostly Freeform and Rotterdam Hardcore, but has a few Hard-Trance styled Makina in it too)

Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber

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Edited by - Samination on 2018/01/05 10:12:26
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Posted - 2018/01/05 :  10:27:30  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Guest's homepage
maybe in the 1990s, it was

(2) have foremostly styles called;
Happy Gabber? (basicly Happy Hardcore that came from The Netherlands),
Rotterdam Hardcore (sometimes called Mainstream Hardcore),
Speedcore and

then speedcore/terror/gabba was dropped from festivals and all they're labels went bankrupt

now its more like

(2) have foremostly styles called;

youtube channel / soundcloud and mixcloud suck

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Posted - 2018/01/06 :  15:59:46  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Smoogie's homepage
UK Hardcore Old Skool:

Dutch Hardcore Old Skool:


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Posted - 2020/01/25 :  18:32:06  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Sulphurik's homepage
Originally posted by Guest:
maybe in the 1990s, it was

(2) have foremostly styles called;
Happy Gabber? (basicly Happy Hardcore that came from The Netherlands),
Rotterdam Hardcore (sometimes called Mainstream Hardcore),
Speedcore and

then speedcore/terror/gabba was dropped from festivals and all they're labels went bankrupt

now its more like

(2) have foremostly styles called;

Yeah had thought the early Dutch hardcore was referred to Rotterdam hardcore back then.

Hardcore from continent in the 2000s probably known as Dutch hardcore/ mainstream hardcore?

What's your opinions of Dutch hardcore old and new? There have been tracks in the past I have liked but large majority I'm not into/ can't get into.

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Edited by - Sulphurik on 2020/01/25 18:32:32
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Posted - 2020/01/26 :  11:21:30  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit LeVzi's homepage
Originally posted by Sulphurik:
Originally posted by Guest:
maybe in the 1990s, it was

(2) have foremostly styles called;
Happy Gabber? (basicly Happy Hardcore that came from The Netherlands),
Rotterdam Hardcore (sometimes called Mainstream Hardcore),
Speedcore and

then speedcore/terror/gabba was dropped from festivals and all they're labels went bankrupt

now its more like

(2) have foremostly styles called;

Yeah had thought the early Dutch hardcore was referred to Rotterdam hardcore back then.

Hardcore from continent in the 2000s probably known as Dutch hardcore/ mainstream hardcore?

What's your opinions of Dutch hardcore old and new? There have been tracks in the past I have liked but large majority I'm not into/ can't get into.

Dutch hardcore was what I called it years ago, Neophyte etc. Heard that kinda music in technodromes etc, was faster back then. Rotterdam Terror Corps etc were awesome, most of the hardcore parties over there were in Rotterdam so I assume thats how it got that label, but to most people it was just Dutch Hardcore.

I loved the sound from Holand back then, Neophyte was god tbh, Elstaks harder stuff , but Elstak was more in the main rooms , the team Forze stuff (Elstak + Panic) was the best of all. Stunned Guys also. Wicked music and wicked times.

These days I see the hardcore scene over there, going from strength to strength ,but I also fear for it imploding. It's a bit like how our scene was and went, massively popular but then just went flatlined.

But right now, the European techno scene is amazing, I am so jealous of them, I just saw the Harmony of Hardcore line up and it is unreal. But I see a plethora of producers right now, all churning out track after track after track in exactly the same vein. Means there is a large scope of tracks to choose from but it's gonna get stale quick, I hope they keep innovating.

There is one guy I got a lot of respect for, General Guyble, amazing producer tbh, makes some awesome stuff. I just wish the whole harder side to techno caught on more in the UK.

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Posted - 2020/01/26 :  12:24:41  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Guest's homepage
hardcore will never implode, gotta keep it streetz blud, for the cars in the ASDA carparks worldwide with 10,000 watt stereos

its the only scene left standing and formulated for the europe ghetto so all the cum shots can't show up and start crying about everything, like they did with drum & bass, dub step etc

youtube channel / soundcloud and mixcloud suck

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Edited by - Guest on 2020/01/26 12:27:17
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Posted - 2020/01/26 :  12:49:15  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Sulphurik's homepage
Originally posted by Guest:
hardcore will never implode, gotta keep it streetz blud, for the cars in the ASDA carparks worldwide with 10,000 watt stereos

its the only scene left standing and formulated for the europe ghetto so all the cum shots can't show up and start crying about everything, like they did with drum & bass, dub step etc

Liking sound of that track.

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