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Posted - 2021/07/10 :  03:33:21  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit rafferty's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Sparkz_LuckyStrike:
Originally posted by rafferty:

You have to stay current in order to survive with productions. Let's be honest, if you don't evolve you get left behind.

And that my friend is the EXACT problem with the core scene. WTF "evolve"... Do what the rest are doing because they've nabbed it off someone else and are making money out of it, and if you don't, then doomed from the start?

Back then, lots of people doing core, all varieties of sounds. Breaks, old skool, happy, freeform/trancecore, etc. Throughout the era's regardless of the style, there's been huge variety (Force and styles compared with Kaos or Sy. Hixxy compared with Dougal and Gammer). The list of variations could go on but I can't be arsed.

Now, 2020 onwards... Carbon copy the absolute sh*te which is all down to mackswolf, with the screechy garbage or don't bother.

The fact is, in these times, you only "stay current" if want to milk money from it.

If anyone gets "left behind" then it shows what sort of scene it is now, cash in, take, take take, the end.

Anyway, on that note... Breeze... The least talented person in the scene. Had an unprofessional fabricated bitch and moan about me on his FB page for revealing the prices he was asking to remix stuff. A useless producer floated by others. Same goes for many others in the scene but ah well.

Macks Wolf has done some very innovative productions. He is not to blame. The guy everyone tried to copy was STONEBANK. He got 22 million YouTube views with "Stronger". I don't think any UK Hardcore artist have gotten even close to that on YouTube. Hence everyone started to copy him.
I am not sure how much you can earn with that many views but would have to be a tidy sum of money.

OneSeventy is just falling into the same trap Hardcore fell into during the Raver Baby era. Where every track has a set formula and sounded the same. While many found it new and fresh at the start, it has gotten old very quickly. Freeform is very guilty of this, has not changed in 18 years.

So I still stand by exactly what I said, music has to keep evolving experimenting and OneSeventy is not doing that anymore. They have gone pretty stale with most of their releases.

I would say Fracus & Darwin are really pushing things ahead at the moment. They have brought back the 90s style but with a fresh new innovative production approach. Is like a whole new form of Hardcore. Same with Entity making UK Hardcore/Frenchcore productions. Again very creative and fresh.

ONESEVENTY wouldn't have the balls to venture into what guys like Entity, Fracus & Darwin are doing.

Let's ditch the candy & go back to the gym & streetwear at raves :)

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Edited by - rafferty on 2021/07/10 03:51:59
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Posted - 2021/07/10 :  06:48:58  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Samination's homepage  Reply with quote
Freeform has changed ALOT since 2003

If you said 10 years, I would've accepted it better, but Freeform from 2003 and 2015 and on sounds nothing alike.

But I will agree with you on one thing. Freeform has definitely taken too much from trance than I would've liked. Stamina Records is definitely guilty of that.

Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber

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Posted - 2021/07/11 :  01:01:38  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit kazukism92's homepage  Reply with quote
I want to take a time to put my opinion of 1st releases vs lastest releases.

The first releases were too cheesy but uplifting that wants me listen again and again. Does have that touch that does hook.

However as the lastest releases, there are good talents that does take shape everything, as a good opinion, I enjoyed so much the Summa Jae's Take Me Away remix, along with that retro flavour, really kills.
I want to see more J-Trax, his music is so uplifting but euphoric at the same time as being a UK Hardcore way, and talking about to AK47, is "near to almost the same", but is unnoticeable.

As the bad way, sadly 4* or Tatsunochin, I think that is a good talent, but using the same glass drink sample is the effect of "Oh, same tune with different name".

About the regular boys (hi Technikore & JTS), is still chessy and swagger, respectively. Usually I'm still adoring the Technikore sound, but JTS sound, Trap Hardcore is about a trend. However there are good tunes like World Out There and Better Now, are fire.

Check my mixes!

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Posted - 2021/07/11 :  12:45:41  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Vladel's homepage  Reply with quote
Freeform has just gotten worse and worse, I was drawn to the euphoria of the early days and 2000s. Like UK hardcore, in 2012 it just fell off the cliff but unlike UK hardcore, it stayed at the bottom of the cliff denying it ever fell down there.

One seventy is just a drearfest. Each release seems to be competing to see if it can be duller than the last one. I'd agree that fracus and Darwin are trying, entity is doing well and 24/7 are doing their own thing but the heights of 2004-2010 are not like coming back any time soon. Everyone seems hell bent on making the music serious, it shouldn't be serious, it should be fun. If you want serious, we have gabber for that.

remain calm do not be alarmed do not attempt to leave the dancefloor

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Posted - 2021/07/19 :  00:39:10  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit rafferty's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Samination:
Freeform has changed ALOT since 2003

If you said 10 years, I would've accepted it better, but Freeform from 2003 and 2015 and on sounds nothing alike.

But I will agree with you on one thing. Freeform has definitely taken too much from trance than I would've liked. Stamina Records is definitely guilty of that.

Yeah each to their own. To me most of it sounds the same as it always has since the early 2000s.
You listen to the label Great British Techno. That was when it was called Trancecore. It seemed a lot more interesting and had it's own sound.
Harder kicks, more intelligent melodies.

Let's ditch the candy & go back to the gym & streetwear at raves :)

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Edited by - rafferty on 2021/07/19 00:47:34
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Posted - 2021/07/19 :  03:20:18  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Samination's homepage  Reply with quote
So, how much Freeform sounds like this after 2006? Other than Andy Freestyle

Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber

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Posted - 2024/01/20 :  17:31:32  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Sulphurik's homepage  Reply with quote
What's your thoughts on this one? Overall think it sounds quite good.

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Edited by - Sulphurik on 2024/01/20 17:32:44
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Posted - 2024/01/20 :  17:39:19  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Sulphurik's homepage  Reply with quote

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Posted - 2024/01/28 :  19:50:41  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Sulphurik's homepage  Reply with quote
These two tracks above sound decent but what's your thoughts on the kicks? The kickdrums could be harder, like UK hardcore tracks used to be.

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Posted - 2024/01/29 :  21:23:46  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Sulphurik's homepage  Reply with quote
Has been mentioned before about some UK Hardcore and some labels releasing slower tempo tracks. This one from Technikore - Going Under which hadn't heard before, like the sound of this one. This is 175bpm

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Edited by - Sulphurik on 2024/01/29 21:24:38
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Posted - 2024/01/29 :  21:40:35  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Sulphurik's homepage  Reply with quote
Brand new one from Jakka-B & GRVITY (which is Olly P). Like the sound of this but what's your thoughts on the use of the very hardstyle sounding riff? If this track had used a hardstyle kick it would be a euphoric hardstyle track imo

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Edited by - Sulphurik on 2024/01/29 21:42:34
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Posted - 2024/03/21 :  22:04:33  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Sulphurik's homepage  Reply with quote
Liking this one

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Posted - 2024/03/21 :  22:12:41  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Sulphurik's homepage  Reply with quote

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