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whittle1 Advanced Member
United Kingdom
3,191 posts Joined: Jan, 2005
25 hardcore releases
Posted - 2023/07/23 : 21:28:00
Does anybody know what's going on with Hardcore Underground? Haven't released anything in what feels like near a year now, and their website appears to be down.
Samination Advanced Member
13,198 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
195 hardcore releases
Posted - 2023/07/24 : 06:04:14
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
Alert moderatorEdited by - Samination on 2023/08/11 06:22:23
Craig Cairney Junior Member
United Kingdom
145 posts Joined: Nov, 2016
Posted - 2023/07/26 : 15:40:47
I haven't spoken with Jon for some time now. Not sure what's going on with HU. I do recall him making a few posts this past Hogmanay saying he was back and the label would be starting up again this year. Minus one or two album releases via their store at the turn of the year, we haven't heard too much. Maybe things are percolating behind the scenes?
But what Fracus and Darwin doing their thing now with Brutal Kuts and Music Blocks, I'm not entirely sure what the future holds for HU.
Samination Advanced Member
13,198 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
195 hardcore releases
Posted - 2023/07/26 : 17:12:13
he was active on our Discord server last year or earlier this year, but he's been quiet since then again
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
Alert moderatorEdited by - MusicILove on 2023/08/11 19:24:33
MusicILove Advanced Member
United Kingdom
1,286 posts Joined: Mar, 2019
Posted - 2023/07/27 : 12:30:57
I was in regular contact with CDJay as of April including a very long phone call. However things went quiet from that point apart from 1 email reply in May. I've continued to work through Warped Science as promised however the server is totally down as I can not access to upload fixes / changes.
Really annoyed being ignored after all the work and hours I've put in. Also I ordered a CD in May which still hasn't arrived.
Samination Advanced Member
13,198 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
195 hardcore releases
Posted - 2023/07/27 : 19:16:27
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
Alert moderatorEdited by - Samination on 2023/08/11 06:22:36
MusicILove Advanced Member
United Kingdom
1,286 posts Joined: Mar, 2019
Posted - 2023/07/27 : 21:35:01
I sent him a message letting him know the website was down along with a link to this thread. It was read but no replies yet.
I'm not the only one in the dark in this situation sadly.
I sent an email a couple of months ago saying I'll do Warped Science then no more. As I can't deal with the unstable nature of things.
My brain is always on full power when I'm working on something and if I'm blocked from completing my goals because of lack of communication I just can't carry on because I'll just end up getting upset that I cannot finish what I started.
I was ready to give HU my all. I was excited for what could be done and was even suggesting new catalogues to be done. Really hoping deals could be struck. Sadly nothing happened and everything went quiet. Tried to request now removed projects be returned to the store but that didn't happen too.
If they return I will complete Warped Science. But will go no further.
MusicILove Advanced Member
United Kingdom
1,286 posts Joined: Mar, 2019
Posted - 2023/07/27 : 21:39:32
PS Lethal Theory Digital and Lethal Theory RAW are now making their way on to digital stores for the first time in a decade.
If you wanna see what quality your buying check my spreadsheet.
No Digital version of Hardcore Renegade? Apparently Dougal has forgotten that most of the early EPP releases were on IMOdownload.
Sadly, what I got is a 256kb/s MP3, which makes me believe it's originally a protected WMA file that I transcoded to MP3 :( As IMOdownload only sold protected WMA (which I don't know the bitrate of, but the files were smaller than a 256kb/s MP3), 192kb/s and 320kb/s MP3.
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
Alert moderatorEdited by - Samination on 2023/07/28 03:11:01
Samination Advanced Member
13,198 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
195 hardcore releases
Posted - 2023/07/28 : 03:19:01
quote:Originally posted by MusicILove:
PS Lethal Theory Digital and Lethal Theory RAW are now making their way on to digital stores for the first time in a decade.
If you wanna see what quality your buying check my spreadsheet.
Nice, there's definitely a bunch of stuff I'd love to get in lossless
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
Vladel Advanced Member
United Kingdom
1,522 posts Joined: Feb, 2008
Posted - 2023/07/30 : 07:32:57
Lethal Theory used to be great but then they went premium which basically meant overcharging for a handful of tracks behind subscription that pretty much killed them off. Joey continued with the "not so powerstomp 3" album and this latest one, I don't know what that was supposed to be.
HU again, god knows what's happening but they haven't been on the ball for years so expect nothing to avoid disappointment i guess.
remain calm do not be alarmed do not attempt to leave the dancefloor