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this just crossed my mind

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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2001/12/24 :  09:47:29  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage  Reply with quote
never believed to hear some background info about that track.
i have tha track on a old tape.

and many more of the nassenbluten tracks. there where also tracks sydney against newcastle. and blody fist have also many funny edits in his songs.

shockwave has also many funny tracks against rotterdam.

You can't see me,because i am the future.

You can't see me,because i am the future.

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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2001/12/24 :  09:51:27  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage  Reply with quote
the mother of the boy that died a few months ago at moh.

i saw here at a tv program about the case and she not blamed music or the organisation.
and she was not against the music but warned the kids against drug.
that are the ways how it must be done.

You can't see me,because i am the future.

You can't see me,because i am the future.

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Posted - 2001/12/27 :  22:04:08  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
sorry but this annoys me alot as an E free raver myself i may be talking from a biast opinion But if sum1 decides to drop an e or mitsu or woteva thats there choice NOt Helter skelter/vibealites/Sudiessential/ etc etc 's. Why shud anyone take the blame ( other than the dealers in part). Does anyone know where i could get that book i think it woudl prove perogative and good reading....even if i coulD just mentally mock it too myself......I hate top see anyone die as almost evry1 doe sbut if u take a drug ( a si do myself with weed etc) its Ur own choice...and i just wish teh parents would remeber that.....Especially when they let there 15 yr odl daughters go to raves......or allwo them to hav ethe chance to sneak to a rave.....I wonder how much responisbility for her death was levelled at them.........Maybe it was guilt that drove em to blame teh rave scene...who knows n frankly who cares wot sum upper class up he rown arse woman thinx

Ant B

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milo is verified hardcore artist milo has attended 89 events
Posted - 2001/12/27 :  23:35:32  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit milo's homepage  Reply with quote
this might be a really dumb question, but how do you get a brainswell from drinking too much water? or is this an effect of some drugs that you just retain water like that? i know i drink a lotta fluids, but i'm not dead, just gotta use the bathroom a lot...

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Posted - 2001/12/28 :  00:07:30  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Lixx's homepage  Reply with quote
Actually you die from drinking too much water because it over-dilutes the salt in your body. This is why gatorade and whatnot is much better for you in such situations than just plain water. I've never heard the brainswell thing before, but what I do know is that you have to be pretty dumb or unlucky (adulterated pills) to die from e.

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Brian K
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Posted - 2001/12/28 :  20:42:01  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
gotta love those f*cked up people that made cyanide extacy pills. makes you wonder....

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Posted - 2001/12/30 :  12:04:03  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
yeah i h8 it wen ppl go on at ravers 4 bein drugged up or nethin...cos nto every1 is, and at 15 yrs old, u know wat ur doin it was her choice 2 take e, but her mother is just gona blame the rave, cos she'll b thinkin thats the place where her daughter died...and if she hadnt have gone, she wud still b alive, but its the girls fault 4 takin it, and the mums fault 4 lettin her go.

and apparently, u r more likely 2 die horse riding that takin e...

'come fly my child 2 a special place, with angels in the sky, the time has come 2 fly!'

'come fly my child 2 a special place, with angels in the sky, the time has come 2 fly!'

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