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Posted - 2001/12/19 :  11:03:07  Show profile Send a private message
hey people lostit here and i just wanted to know of all the happy hardcore songs there in the world........the ones that made us fell good, bad, in the mood to dance, but of all of them which one made us all laugh thats right people what was the funniest song you ever heard.................mine was the ultmate sex track although that was on my most hated list i had listend to the song some more times and i found it funny

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Posted - 2001/12/19 :  13:36:58  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Tyrant's homepage
ultimate sex track is funny shit :)
probably one of the funnier ones i've heard

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Brian K
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Posted - 2001/12/19 :  14:51:02  Show profile  Send a private message
funniest one i ever heard was a remix of the hampster dance....

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Oli G
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Posted - 2001/12/19 :  18:31:57  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Oli G's homepage
ultimate sex track owns....
**** the macarena is mildly amusing

the smurfs & sesamea oldskool crease me tho, funniest thing is they were actualy released :)

but i hate it when ppl do a fast remix of something shit,, then go and call it happy hardcore

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_

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Posted - 2001/12/19 :  19:30:47  Show profile  Send a private message
I wanna b a hippy makes me laff as does teh ultimate sex trak.....Happy Birthday by technohead also make sme laff..Fcuk teh macerena....not many really make me laugh i dpnt hink or i can think of of fteh top of my head.....Oh n a remix of clocks its over........make sme smiel so much with teh cheese i chuckle:P ( oh n dont diss sesames treet i liek taht tune i dont laf fi just get a incredible urge to dsance n a big cheesey grin:P

Ant B

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Posted - 2001/12/19 :  19:46:39  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit virus's homepage
f' the macarena was funny in like 1996, when people cared anyhting about the macarena. and after like hearing it twice i was sick of it

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Brian K
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Posted - 2001/12/19 :  23:50:19  Show profile  Send a private message
damn, how could i forget buzz fuzz's lighthouse keeper... i never thought i'd ever hear any songs from clockwork orange done up hardcore
i wanna be a hippy is probably the best thing technohead ever did, even it was a rip =P
and adam, people actually cared about the macarenna? =P

"do not dream, you dreamed about me"

"we'll delete the weak"

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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2001/12/20 :  04:10:44  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage
[quote]Originally posted by Brian K:

damn, how could i forget buzz fuzz's lighthouse keeper... i never thought i'd ever hear any songs from clockwork orange done up hardcore
i wanna be a hippy is probably the best thing technohead ever did, even it was a rip =P

rip of who?
i thought it was original
and flamman abraxas remixed it.

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Posted - 2001/12/20 :  20:03:41  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Heist's homepage
The Shaftmen - Shaftman, ****ing hell! Funniest song ever let alone funniest hardcore song...a must hear! its on the react technohead 4 compilation.

Nasenbluten - C ocksucker, The intro to this song makes me crack up every time!

Take a sad song and make it HAAAAAAAAARRRDCOOOOOOREE!

The head on head mix of dune - hand in hand has the funniest piano at the start.

And finally my very own comedy number - the pop song...


Edited by - heist on 21 Dec 2001 06:21:57



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Brian K
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Posted - 2001/12/21 :  04:00:59  Show profile  Send a private message
i'm not sure who the original is by, i remember hearing it as some hippy's house party and never finding out who it was by... the original is slower than slow =P

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Posted - 2001/12/21 :  04:39:25  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
OliGhalebi: the people that made the "sesames treet" tune are on this forum :)

you, me and hardcore forever.

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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2001/12/21 :  06:05:23  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage
anna wood is also a funny track by nasenbluten

or an track on the uhf label

she died on on the drug xtc and then a lot of noise

canibal dj has also some funny tracks.

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Posted - 2001/12/21 :  11:06:10  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
Pathfinder: I can't believe you are in The Netherlands and you know the Anna Wood track... that stupid rich brat girl that died of an XTC overdose caused the entire HHC scene to die for 3-4 years in Australia... I'm sorry she died but her parents blamed happy hardcore for killing her, when she was a drug dealer herself and her parents refused to believe it.

you, me and hardcore forever.

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Posted - 2001/12/24 :  05:40:08  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Heist's homepage
Wow, coincidence i was just talking to my girlfriend and she was joking that she got me the book 'Anna's Story' for christmas!
The book was written by anna's ignoramous mother on the subject of why raves are evil. I agree only on the point that 15 year old spoilt brat chicks shouldnt go to raves, especially if they are going to drink too much water and get a brainswell (As Anna Did)

**** the bitch, but i cant agree that her death shut own the happy hardcore scene in Australia, it just happened to happen at the same times as hardcores big fall from popularity at the end of 1995



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Posted - 2001/12/24 :  05:44:37  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Heist's homepage
That mp3 link doesnt work sorry,'s dickless corporate ppl have disabled deep linking, making life very annoying for all as corporate shit tends to do.

Anyway to hear the comedy genius of 'the pop song' go to

and go to the bottom where the pop song is and play it~!



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Posted - 2001/12/24 :  09:41:49  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
Yep... isn't it the way that the mother had to cash in on her child's death as well...

you, me and hardcore forever.

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