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21 hardcore releases
Posted - 2002/01/13 :  10:53:34  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
U can get a PC version that is lurkin around the internet its called,

'Diet Diet Revolution '99

But its not the same without the dance floor.

EuroBeatMix is the English version to DanceDanceRevolution.

Follow The Sun, Follow The Sun, Leaving the rain behind, together we'll be in harmony.

Everything is Hardcore
Hardcore is Music
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Life is Meaningless??

"Love is the answer - but while you're waiting for the answer sex raises some pretty good questions."

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Posted - 2002/01/13 :  12:25:52  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit sammypoohuk's homepage  Reply with quote
ther r loads of pc ones try lookin for stepmania or selioght delight recuplication or dance with intensity.the english version is called dancing stage euromix buts its crappy the best song is do it all night and i stil h8 that one! get a jap mix the one i gots is soooo much beta than dsem.


Hee Hee Haa Haa

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Posted - 2002/01/13 :  12:29:14  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit sammypoohuk's homepage  Reply with quote
to play jap games in the uk u need da action replay pro or gameshark or summin thatll play imported games. or u cud try goin to ur local i.t or game exchange they do this lil cd thatll let u play em.


Hee Hee Haa Haa

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Posted - 2002/01/13 :  12:32:25  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
I like the game i don't want to marry it!

Everything is Hardcore
Hardcore is Music
Music is Life
Life is Meaningless??

"Love is the answer - but while you're waiting for the answer sex raises some pretty good questions."

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Posted - 2002/01/14 :  06:44:40  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit sammypoohuk's homepage  Reply with quote
but i do!! ;)


Hee Hee Haa Haa

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StrifeII is verified hardcore artist
Posted - 2002/01/14 :  09:49:30  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit StrifeII's homepage  Reply with quote enjoy



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Mr LoSTiT has attended 5 events
Posted - 2002/01/14 :  15:53:05  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Mr LoSTiT's homepage  Reply with quote
you use a pro action replay?? i use a mod chip to play my DDR mixes it is safe for me to say that i am a really big DDR fan, hell i even have the metal pad which cost me a HUGE amount of money. oh and silver, i played 6th mixan im gonna try out that secret track on it, but for now..........MAX300 IS DA BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!, but olny beacuse its faster than drop out on 4th mix

300bpm??? wow!

dark days dark days dark days i like dark days........OUCH!!! what the hell was that?? ......uh oh......I CAN'T SEE!!!!!!!!!

can I get a H4RDC0R3?!?!?!

A crazy homeless guy predicted my rebirth. Sometimes I wonder if he was really crazy, or if he truly was a prophet. But, then I saw the crack fall out of his pocket :/

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Posted - 2002/01/17 :  11:58:09  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit psychichigh's homepage  Reply with quote
There's tonnes of good ol' HHC on every DDR game...

There's even funky/disco house on the first 4 "mixes"

for those of you, there's DDR, which is the first, and then in the arcade DDR 3rdMix which is both 2nd mix and 3rd mix in one, then there's also 4th mix, then 5th then, of course, 6th mix which is also called DDRmax

And, here's what i'm doing. There's a place in calgary those sells new and used arcade machines...
They're selling me a DDR (the original) machine for $670 cdn including delivery to me here in edmonton...

then buy each game disc off of Konami for about $100 cdn each...

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

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