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Ever seen the show "In the Life"

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Posted - 2002/01/17 :  12:02:00  Show profile Send a private message  Visit psychichigh's homepage
I dunno if I said it right, but basically it's a show where they saw a day in the life of a celebrity/famous type person...

Well, me and my friends made comedy skits and we're gonna make one...

A day in the life of a rave DJ

The entire hour episode will consist of:
The the DJs are sleeping in their friends apartment since they don't live in the city they're performing in that nite...
But they're sleeping most of the episode...
Every once-in-a-while the cameraman pokes at either of the DJs trying to wake em up....
Then with bout 10 min left in the show the DJs finally get up and get the gear and head off to the klub/hall where the party is

Anyone think that's a good idea?
i'm asking because we're filming this in bout a week and a day

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

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Posted - 2002/01/17 :  13:30:31  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit aznwasian's homepage
i was thinking more along the lines if i was on MTV diary of

You think you know, but you have no idea. this is the diary of aznwasian.

monday: sleep school homework sleep.
teusday: sleep school homework sleep.
wednesday: sleep school homework sleep.
thursday: sleep school homework sleep.
friday: sleep school go to rave.
saturday: don't remember.
sunday: don't remember.
monday: wake up at my friends house school homework sleep

-I can't stop raving...


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Posted - 2002/01/17 :  19:04:54  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit psychichigh's homepage
Hahaha :)

I was thinking of an idea like that, but I have NO clue how to make that really funny at all....

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

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Posted - 2002/01/17 :  20:27:49  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit virus's homepage
me n my friend made a movie at christmas time at the mall.. we got a bunch of bags, and walked around the parking lot and got cars to follow us, hoping they would be able to park in our spot.. and we led them around, and stood behind cars jingling keys until they got annoyed and drove away

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Brian K
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Posted - 2002/01/18 :  12:42:22  Show profile  Send a private message
hehe, i used to do that too, never video taped it though =P
what was really fun was to get cars following you and then dart between a couple cars and try to loose them =P

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Posted - 2002/01/18 :  13:01:01  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit aznwasian's homepage
hahaha i literally fell of my chair when i read that...

can you upload the tape onto the net?

-I can't stop raving...


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Posted - 2002/01/19 :  08:27:24  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit psychichigh's homepage
Hey Virus
Nice idea man!

I'm stealing it and I'm going to do it...

Here at WEM the lot's always full so I could get up like 30 cars following me!!!

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"

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Posted - 2002/01/19 :  10:21:30  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit virus's homepage
hopefully we're gonna get it on the net, we have to edit it and make it all nice first.. we also have video from when we stole someones gnome and took it around toronto for a week, and then we took it to a party in rochester we played at

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Posted - 2002/01/19 :  16:05:55  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit aznwasian's homepage
heres another thing you can in any store...

Listen for a cell phone to ring, program your phone to that ring, wait five minutes and stand near them and have you buddy call you... its pretty funny.

-I can't stop raving...


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