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New Member

 United Kingdom
75 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2001/05/28 : 18:53:05
U.K for about ten years, now U.S.A, Japan, Australia, other european countries. Whats the story? Whys it so dead in the U.K and on fire in other countries. I don't mean to sound so negative, its not dead, but just not as alive as say 5 years ago. New dance music tastes I suppose.
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DJ Tempest
Senior Member

 United States
381 posts Joined: Apr, 2001
Posted - 2001/05/28 : 22:58:07
disclaimer: this is just MY opinion!
i think it was really slow to catch on in the US..i mean, at the height of hhc in the uk, there was zero in the us..its been slowly gaining popularity over the last few years...i know ive heard from a lot of kids in the uk that theyre tired of hardcore..whatever..and especially now with nrg and uk hard house blowing up over there, they have something new to be excited about..a fad..a lot of hardcore producers have switched over to hard house, just cos the money isnt in hardcore anymore..who knows if it will stay that way..i sure hope not..itd be nice to have some steady new releases...we can all hope that it makes a comeback in the uk, and keeps getting more of an audience in other places..
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
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DJ e-Klyps
Senior Member

 United Kingdom
258 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2001/05/29 : 10:16:12
I think its greatly to do with the drugs issue among other things. The media feel very relucatant to support the hardcore scene in the UK due to the blantant drug use that goes on. Although it is the same in Hip Hop i think this is seen as an american thing and of no effect here in the UK.
When hardcore went throught its cheesy patch i believe that the media used this as a reason to absolutley slate the scene completely. This along with incorrect news reportings or drug related deaths and the damage cause at a few illegal event, raving is seen as evil.
Fortunately these days people, especially younger people able to see through the media smoke screen of crappy pop like westlife. This means they can see the beauty of hardcore. I among many others are hoping that this influx of new ravers will re-ignite the scene to its former glory.
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Senior Member

 United States
499 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2001/05/29 : 12:16:34
Harcore scene in the US?!!!??!?!??? Where? Where? lol.... Anyway, I personally think HC went the same way as good hard house and acid trance. All the producers got bored listening to the harder sound and started producing more "Intelligent and deep" music. Happens in every scene, the raw edge and aggresivness starts in one area, then that area gets popular cause of it's edge and it disappears and the "edge" goes somewhere's else. Happened in rock, happened in rap, happened in techno. In all scenes some facet of the original edge persists, but is always smaller than it was when it peaked in popularity.
In America HC persists I think cause it never had a popluar faze. It's still not popular and probably never will be (at least not commerically) so it will continue to exist for that reason. Cause it's not "cool" and it keeps a small following that love it cause it's rare and they feel connected to it.
As far as media goes in America HC is completely unknown. Reporters here don't know anything about HC. They don't even know anything about trance or house. All they know are the buzz words like "Rave" and "electronica". Which I guess is good for HC cause i think a lot of the time there are more drugs involved. I have talked to dozens of reporters and they are clueless. I have seen more than one drunken frat party with a DJ broken up and then called a rave.
Ummm... I think im rambling now... Ill stop.
Happy Hardcore makes me feel like a Koala bear just crapped a rainbow in my brain.
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DJ Tempest
Senior Member

 United States
381 posts Joined: Apr, 2001
Posted - 2001/05/30 : 06:58:27
yeah, theres a hardcore scene in the us..maybe not as big as in the uk...but its still here..and there are hardcore massives...even a few years ago..southern california...over 5000 people in the hardcore arena at a massive..and just last month as well in northern california..there all parties in seattle and portland that feature ALL happy hardcore and georgia as well..arizona also has a pretty good hardcore scene..and the east coast has the american cheese kids, midwest is home to spree and tilzs..many many more...there is a hardcore scene in the a lot of cities, its just underground because people are throwing small parties..soley for the love of the music..lets just hope it will expand..
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
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Average Member

 United Kingdom
193 posts Joined: Jun, 2001
Posted - 2001/06/01 : 06:10:33
Im from the Uk and I must say that over here the hardcore scene is almost non existent.
Dreamscape have renamed thereselves to
DREAMSCAPE "DRUM AND BASS" and slammin vinyl are struggling to hold any hardcore. They always call the room oldskool classics arena.
Whats wrong with Hardcore?
Its the best music ive ever listened to and im making it my personal ambition to make sure that hardcore comes right back to where is belomgs just like in the 1997 peak.
On a lighter note though if anyone is intrested this shop sells all hardcore vinyl and they get labels to repress records so no remixes etc..
Inferno Ravers - "We Are Where The Fun Begins!!!"
Hardcore, Its Everything That I Stand For.
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Junior Member

 United States
144 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2001/06/01 : 07:49:34
The US hardcore scene is growing... rapidly. Off the top of my head, we've got about 4 or 5 hardcore labels in the making right now... cloudskipper's Supernova should be havin its first release soon i believe...
Over my way around Pittsburgh, PA, the kids really respond to hardcore & freeform.
And soren.... what the fack are you talking about "the HC scene has more drugs"
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DJ e-Klyps
Senior Member

 United Kingdom
258 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2001/06/01 : 15:30:39
quote: Originally posted by deejaybee:
Dreamscape have renamed thereselves to
DREAMSCAPE "DRUM AND BASS" and slammin vinyl are struggling to hold any hardcore. They always call the room oldskool classics arena.
Inferno Ravers - "We Are Where The Fun Begins!!!"
Sorry about this but your statement is incorrect. Slammin Vinyl always have a hardcore room AND an old skool room. The hardcore room has modern brand new hardcore not just the old stuff. occasionally a non hc DJ spins in there like the first set tends to be summin like Billy Bunter hardhouse set.
I think the hardcore scene is far from dead, in fact there is an event almost every week. Helter Skelter is doin some really good events. Raindance, Elation, Resonace, Slammin Vinyl, United Dance, Future Dance, Helter Skelter, these are still goin and are doin very well.
The problem is publicity, i agree the scene isnt as strong as i would like but its far from dead, u just gotta know where to look to find out about the events.
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New Member

 United Kingdom
75 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2001/06/01 : 15:56:00
Dj e-Klyps, is helter skelter back in the buisness? (i think im a bit slow here!). Cause the last i heard of them was that there millenium party was going to be their last event. Whats going? (thats obviously good news though.)
Dance, while the record spins! 
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DJ Tempest
Senior Member

 United States
381 posts Joined: Apr, 2001
Posted - 2001/06/01 : 21:10:38
yeah no doubt..the hc scene has more drugs? most of the 4 beat heads i know are totally sober..meh..ive heard pittsburg has a thriving hhc scene..we'll supposed to be playing there this fall. 
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
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DJ e-Klyps
Senior Member

 United Kingdom
258 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2001/06/02 : 19:18:05
Yeah Skelter has kind of returned. They have teamed up with Sidewinder and Compulsion.
@the sanctuary in milton keynes they are doin DnB with Sidewinder.
@Bowlers in Manchester they are doin Hardcore with Compulsion.
From the report im getting the events are mental.
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Average Member

151 posts Joined: May, 2001
Posted - 2001/06/03 : 09:45:06
can anyone tell me what the australian hardcore scene is like in sydney/melbourne.. i'm in brisbane which has a pretty pathetic scene as far as i know.. we got some people getting out there (pressure squad if you know them).. but theres no parties that i know of that spotlight on hardcore... wish that would change
Open your eyes, see all the love in me, I got enough for ever.
Dont be afraid, take all you need from me, and we'll be strong together...
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Starting Member

 United States
15 posts Joined: Apr, 2001
Posted - 2001/06/03 : 20:33:26
quote: ive heard pittsburg has a thriving hhc scene..we'll supposed to be playing there this fall.
i've been wanting to go to pittsburgh for a while to check out a party there. misty you will have to let me know if you're definately gonna play there.. cause i'll come see you =).
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Advanced Member

4,346 posts Joined: May, 2001
716 hardcore releases
Posted - 2001/06/03 : 20:52:50
quote: this shop gets labels to repress records so no remixes etc..
So your'e saying that its a GOOD thing that IMO is repressing like.. EVERYTHING??
My Record Collection Can Beat Up Your Record Collection.
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Junior Member

 United States
144 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2001/06/04 : 07:48:57
tempest : when?? let me know.. i'll be there (i might already be there anyways heheh) 
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DJ e-Klyps
Senior Member

 United Kingdom
258 posts Joined: Mar, 2001
Posted - 2001/06/04 : 09:55:43
Just a word of caution with IMO. I have heard from numerous sources that they like to cut bootlegs and over charge for nothing more than a cheap copy. However this may just be bollox, who knows.
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