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Starting Member

 United States
2 posts Joined: May, 2014
Posted - 2014/05/03 : 03:16:33
Hello everyone!
I'm new around here. I live right in the center of the USA. I discovered Happy Hardcore about 4 years ago. And I absolutely love it. I Like the old stuff like Dune-Can't stop raving, Habegale-I Want Your Mind, Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo - hardcore feelings. What can I Say I Like my cheese aged. I think Gammer and S3rl are good too.
Anyway now to the reason why I'm here. I want to make me some happy hardcore. But i don't know anything about structuring music. I know a little bit of music theory because I'm a violinist. But that doesn't really help much. I tried to make a couple of tracks but they sound like crap.
I already have a small set up with the noob friendly fl-studio DAW.
Some of the things I need to learn is what makes and what is in the chorus, intro, outro, Middle 8, Break down and all that. My Situation is basically I can make the pieces but don't know how to put them together.
So can you guys help me?
Oh and thank you in advance.
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Advanced Member

 United States
1,231 posts Joined: Nov, 2011
Posted - 2014/05/03 : 12:42:17
My advice would be to listen to the fill DJ mixes of a bunch of songs you like, and try to copy and make your own what you like about each section. I'm not really able to tell you definitively what goes in each part, because part of the fun and experimentation in producing is figuring out just that, as its different per song.
I can give you some ideas, though:
Intro: The beginning bit meant for DJs to use to mix with.
Some sort of of breakbeat, hats, a cut or lowpassed kick, sweeps, maybe a bit of melody.
Breakdown: The end of the intro, breaks down the energy level so that there's a contrast for the buildup. Often where the main melodies besides the riff go.
Often pads matching the chord change, fancy sweeps, piano lines, maybe a simpler sounding lead like a low decay square.
Buildup: The energy buildup before the drop.
Main supersaw lead low passing in, kick and snare playing a buildup pattern, an uplifting sweep.
Drop measure: Measure before drop, last meaure of buildup. Tops off the buildup.
Crash, lead low passes out and back in, everything else cuts out
Drop: Main four kick part of the song.
Kick, bass, supersaw lead in full, hats, claps
The above comment was likely written when I was *literally* 13, so please don't judge me too hard.
The Spirit at the Edge of Infinity
Check out my cheesy fiddlings here:
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Junior Member

 United Kingdom
126 posts Joined: Mar, 2013
Posted - 2014/05/03 : 13:36:55
I had your problem when I first started and no matter how much I read it didn't help me overly that much. I found a combination of people showing me and watching some YouTube videos very helpful. This is a good one, and it's FL too. Even though I used Cubase this still made sense. Although if you're American you might not be able to understand him too well as he has a thick accent! ^^^It's a few years old and in 7/8 steps, this is the first one, watch it, it's useful. There's also a Sy & Unknown one and Styles & Breeze somewhere out there on the net. :-)
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Edited by - SmashingTheSirens on 2014/05/03 13:37:49 |
Starting Member

 United States
2 posts Joined: May, 2014
Posted - 2014/05/03 : 21:30:44
Thanks for the vid/Advice now I have a better idea of how it all goes together. Hopefully my music sounds better.
SmashingTheSirens: How did you eventually learn what goes were did you study or do you just structure your music however? Is there like a certain structure or is everything OK.
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Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,189 posts Joined: Dec, 2006
Posted - 2014/05/03 : 22:34:12
part of the learning curve is to listen to the tracks differently.... train your ears to pick out individual sounds whist playing with others, start with percussion & work from there. this method will also help when mixing down (eqing) or mastering.
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Junior Member

 United Kingdom
126 posts Joined: Mar, 2013
Posted - 2014/05/04 : 08:15:34
I was lucky enough to be brought up in a musical family and have learned various musical instruments etc, as for the producing part it's mostly self taught, never done a course or studied etc, and I just picked peoples brains when I've been in studios with my band etc. I can say you have to stick with it, my first tracks are a long way off from what they are now. It's trail and error and the more you try the more you'll learn. I would template songs at first, just copy the structure with your own spin on it. :-)
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